
Tools to work with react-stateful-component.

component, flow, flowtype, functional, javascript, react, reducer, side-effects, state-management, subscriptions
npm install react-stateful-component-tools@2.0.2


React Stateful Component

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Create stateful React components in a functional way, with side effect support. Heavily inspired by ReasonReact's api.

  • Uses a reducer to manage state
  • The reducer can schedule side effects following the same pattern as Elm and Reason-React
  • Side effects are run outside of the component, meaning you can test your components without having to execute side effects
  • life cycle hooks
  • Subscriptions to handle communication with the "outside world"
  • Static type checking with Flow

> React Stateful Component Documentation

> TodoMVC example

Making the case for functional stateful components.

State management

React class components aren't always easy to keep maintainable, and it gets harder as the amount of state the component is managing grows. As setState() calls get spread across multiple methods, it becomes more difficult to have a good understanding of what state changes are happening within the component.

Redux has provided us with a very good solution to this problem. It uses pure reducer functions and a store to centralise your state management. However Redux also comes with some downsides when working on larger apps.

When building larger apps, you typically want to separate your app into multiple smaller apps or features. Each of these mini apps having their own responsibilities and thus their own state to manage. While Redux provides us with the ability to have separate state branches for these individual mini apps, the state still lives in the same single store. This can sometimes lead to state that gets shared and actions that get reduced by multiple mini apps, creating a dependency between different sub sections of your app. Of course this isn't always a downside, sometimes it's even desirable, but in some situations you want to enforce that separation a little bit more.

React Stateful Component allows you to do that because it's state is scoped to the component (it's just a React class component behind the scenes).

Another benefit of using component scoped state is that it can be wired on the fly. As features may live in different sub sections of your app, you don't want to wire all of your state up front. Instead you want it to be available whenever you need it. Having the state scoped to the component also helps with code splitting.

Side effects

In order to keep a component clean and testable we want to push everything that isn't related to reducing actions and managing state into a side effect. By doing this you can easily unit test a component without having to worry about api calls, timeouts, web sockets, etc ... This mean you can unit test your reducer and verify the state that is returned from it, or check if a certain action triggers the right side effect. But this also means that you can test the complete component using a tool like Airbnb's enzyme, without having to worry about the side effects.

React Stateful Component uses a SideEffectProvider to run side effects. This means that a component will never execute side effects itself it will only schedule them.

Using the MockSideEffectProvider provided by react-stateful-component-tools, you can intercept scheduled side effects, and if needed dispatch to desired actions in your tests.

Like in Elm and ReactReason, side effects are scheduled from within the reducer. Side effect are regular functions receiving reduce() as a parameter. Meaning you don't have to deal with complex side effect models.

Code sample

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import createComponent, { update, SideEffectProvider } from 'react-stateful-component';

// Actions
const add = () => ({ type: 'ADD' });
const subtract = () => ({ type: 'SUBTRACT' });

const Counter = createComponent(() => ({
    initialState: () => ({
        counter: 0
    reducer: (state, action) => {
        const { counter } = state;

        switch (action.type) {
            case 'ADD':
                return update.state({ counter: counter + 1 });
            case 'SUBTRACT':
                return update.state({ counter: counter - 1 });
                return update.nothing();
    render: ({ state: { counter }, reduce }) => (
            <button onClick={() => reduce(add())}>+</button>
            <button onClick={() => reduce(subtract())}>-</button>

        <Counter />


An example directory is included in this repo. You can check it out locally by running:

git clone
cd react-stateful-component
npm install
npm run storybook

this will start storybook on http://localhost:6006/


feel free to open issues and pr's!

running tests:

npm test

Run these two commands in two separate terminal instances to re-run tests on each change:

npm run build:watch
npm run test:watch
