
Clicking Menu in React made simpler!

react, click, menu, clicking
npm install reclick@0.2.1


Reclick 👆

Clicking Menu in React made simpler!

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React v16.0 required, rendering arrays in render method.

import React from "react";
import Reclick from "reclick";
  <button source>Click me!</button>
  <div destination>
    <a href="#">A</a>
    <a href="#">B</a>
    <a href="#">C</a>

Reclick is using the ref, to determine what have to be shown on the screen, since ref could be little tricky to get due to nested children components, so we let you the possibility to pass as props, the refs (source, destination).

For example, Reclick can't determine the correct ref when using a CSS-IN-JS library, such as styled-components with the innerRef.

So, you can do this to make it work:

const FancyButton = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => (
  <button ref={ref} className="FancyButton" {...props}>
  • Using styled-components as an example:
import styled from "styled-components"

const Styled = styled.div`
  border: 2px solid green;

const FancyDiv = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => (
  <Styled innerRef={ref} {...props}>
    Im a div with some fancy borders!
  • Then:
this.refsource = React.createRef();
this.refdest = React.createRef();
<ReClick refsrc={this.refsource.current} refdest={this.refdest.current}>
  <FancyDiv ref={this.refsource} source>
    Click me!
  <FancyButton ref={this.refdest} destination>
    Im now visible!

By default, if no props are passed, Reclick will try to get the ref alone.


Setting Default Type Role
states undefined func Props function that give you the state isOpen, to let you construct animation for example.
refsrc undefined node Give the ref of the source element if you are using a custom component as described above
refdest undefined node Give the ref of the destination element if you are using a custom component as described above

If you want to pass a React Component as a source or destination, make sure that they got a onClick props at their root.

Live demo/Sandbox

Edit 746qom1oqx


MIT Paul Rosset