A cosmic javascript bundler.

analysis, asset, browser, bundle, commonjs, compress, inception, minify, module, modules, require, requirejs, bundler, coffeescript, javascript
npm install requisite@1.19.0



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Cosmic JavaScript bundling

Want ES module support? See Handroll.


Requisite bundles client-side code and templates. It features asynchronous module loading for optimal performance of large applications, automatic compiler detection for several languages and comes with a connect/express middleware for rapid development.


  • Use CommonJS modules in the browser.
  • Customizable compiler/preprocessors.
  • Simple API for programmatic usage.
  • Lazy asset loading.
  • Resolves relative as well as npm modules.
  • Command line tool for bundling simple projects.
  • Good Source map support.


npm install -g requisite


Requiste allows you to structure your code using CommonJS (Node.js) modules. From a given starting point or entry module, requisite will trace your application's dependencies and bundle all require'ed modules together. Requiste's require supports asynchronous loading of assets/modules when an optional callback argument is provided.

// foo.js
module.exports = 'foo';

// async-bar.js
module.exports = 'bar'

// entry.js
console.log(require('./foo'))  // 'foo'
require('./async-bar', function(bar) {
    console.log(bar) // 'bar'

This compiles down to:

// ...prelude, defining require, etc.

require.define('/foo', function (module, exports, __dirname, __filename) {
    module.exports = 'foo';

require.define('/main', function (module, exports, __dirname, __filename) {
    require('/async-bar', function(bar) {

Note how async-bar.js is missing from the bundle, as it's loaded at runtime.

If you are writing a module that can be used both client/server side you can define the browser field in your package.json and finetune which bits will be bundled for the client.



› requisite

Usage: requisite [options] [files]


  -h, --help                   display this help
  -v, --version                display version
  -a, --async                  prelude should support async requires
  -b, --bare                   compile without a top-level function wrapper
  -d, --dedupe                 deduplicate modules (when multiple are specified)
  -e, --export <name>          export module as <name>
  -i, --include <module>       additional module to include, in <require as>:<path to module> format
  -g, --global                 global require
  -m, --minify                 minify output
      --minifier               minifier to use
  -o, --output <file>          write bundle to file instead of stdout, {} may be used as a placeholder
  -p, --prelude <file>         file to use as prelude
      --no-prelude             exclude prelude from bundle
      --no-source-map          disable source maps
      --prelude-only           only output prelude
  -s, --strict                 add "use strict" to each bundled module
      --strip-debug            strip `alert`, `console`, `debugger` statements
  -w, --watch                  write bundle to file and and recompile on file changes
  -x, --exclude <regex>        regex to exclude modules from being parsed
      --base                   path all requires should be relative to


  # bundle javascript file and all it's dependencies
  $ requisite module.js -o bundle.js

  # bundle several modules, appending .bundle.js to output
  $ requisite *.js -o {}.bundle.js


Bundle a javascript file and all it's dependencies:

$ requisite module.js -o bundle.js

Create several bundles, appending .bundle.js to each entry module's name:

$ requisite *.js -o {}.bundle.js

Create a single shared bundle (to leverage caching in browser) and individual bundles for each page containing just the additional modules necessary for each:

$ requisite --dedupe main.js page1.js page2.js -o {}.bundle.js

You'd then use the bundle across the pages of your site like so:

// page1.js
<script src="main.bundle.js">
<script src="page1.bundle.js">

// page2.js
<script src="main.bundle.js">
<script src="page2.bundle.js">

// page3.js
<script src="main.bundle.js">
<script src="page3.bundle.js">


If you want more fine-grained control over requisite you can require it in your own projects and use it directly.

        entry: __dirname + '/entry.js',
    }, function(err, bundle) {
        fs.writeFileSync('app.js', bundle.toString())


For development it can be useful to serve bundles up dynamically, and a connect middleware is provided for exactly this purpose. Express example:

  app.use('/js/app.js', require('requisite').middleware({
    entry: __dirname + '/entry.js'

Which would make your bundle available as http://host/js/main.js.
