
Easily create api clients for your server side resources.

resource, request, ngResource, client, api
npm install resource-client@1.2.2


Resource Client

Easily create node API clients for your APIs. Inspired by Angular Resource and Angular Validated Resource.

NPM version Build Status MIT License


npm install resource-client --save
var resourceClient = require('resource-client');

var Product = resourceClient({
  url: '',
  headers: {
    'X-Secret-Token': 'ABCD1234'

Product.query({isActive: true}, function(err, products) {
  product = products[0]; = 'apple';;

// or with a promise...
Product.query({isActive: true}).then(function (products) {
  product = products[0]; = 'apple';;
}).catch(function (err) {
  if (err) console.log err;

You can also configure the resource to use JSON schema validation for every request:

var resourceClient = require('resource-client');

var Product = resourceClient({
  url: '',
  headers: {
    'X-Secret-Token': 'ABCD1234'
  // recommended that you do not allow unkown properties when testing.
  banUnknownProperties: true

Product.action('update', {
  method: 'PUT'
  // will reject or pass error to callback if validation fails for any of the below
  urlParamsSchema: require('./product_schemas/update/url_params.json')
  queryParamsSchema: require('./product_schemas/update/query_params.json')
  requestBodySchema: require('./product_schemas/update/request_body.json')
  responseBodySchema: require('./product_schemas/update/response_body.json')

Creating a Resource


  • options - default request options for this resource. You can use any option from the request module, with a few additions:
    • url - same as request url but can contain variables prefixed with a colon such as products/:name
    • params - First used to populate url params, then any leftover are added as query params. Note, you can define a param using '@' to read the param value off the request body {_id: '@_id'}.
    • json - set to true by default
var resourceClient = require('resource-client');

var Product = resourceClient({
  url: '',
  params: {_id: '@_id'}
  headers: {'X-Secret-Token': 'ABCD1234'}

Defining Resource Actions

Resource.action(name, options)

  • name - name of action
  • options - default request options for this action. Merges with defaults set for the resource. You can use any option from the request module, with a few additions:
    • url - same as request url but can contain variables prefixed with a colon such as products/:name
    • params - First used to populate url params, then any leftover are added as query params. Note, you can define a param using '@' to read the param value off the request body {_id: '@_id'}.
    • isArray - resource is an array. It will not populate variables in the url.
    • returnFirst - resource is an array. It will return the first result from the array
var resourceClient = require('resource-client');

var Product = resourceClient({
  url: '',
  headers: {
    'X-Secret-Token': 'ABCD1234'

Product.action('getActive', {
  method: 'GET'
  isArray: true
  params: {isActive: true}

Product.action('queryOne', {
  method: 'GET'
  isArray: true
  returnFirst: true

If the method is GET, you can use it as a class method:

  • Class.method([params], [options], callback)
Product.action('get', {
  method: 'GET'

// class method
Product.get({_id: 1234}, function (err, product) { ... })

If the method is PUT, POST, or DELETE, you can use it as both a class or an instance method:

  • Class.method([params], [body], [options], callback)
  • instance.method([params], [options], callback)
Product.action('save', {
  method: 'POST'

// class method{name: 'apple'}, function (err, product) { ... });

// instance method
product = new Product({name: 'apple'}); { ... });

Default Actions

Every new resource will come with these methods by default. However, we recommend you explicitly define an action for each endpoint exposed by your API.

  • get - {method: 'GET'}
  • query - {method: 'GET', isArray: true}
  • queryOne - {method: 'GET', isArray: true, returnFirst: true}
  • update - {method: 'PUT'}
  • save - {method: 'POST'}
  • remove - {method: 'DELETE'}

Additional per-request options

If you need to pass custom request options for an individual request, (for example, to identify a user with an authentication token), the action methods also take optional parameters, like so:
  {},                 // params
  {name: 'apple'},    // body
  { headers: {} },    // options
  function (err, product) { ... }

Product.getById(urlParams, queryParams, otherOptions, callback);


Please follow our Code of Conduct when contributing to this project.

$ git clone && cd resource-client
$ npm install
$ npm test

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