
Like Promise.all, but limit number of concurrent promises

promise, throttled, javascript, monorepo, nodejs, package, typescript
npm install restricted-concurrent-actions@0.0.14


Khải's Node.js monorepo

This repo hold many of my nodejs packages in one place for ease of management.

CI Build Status

Build Status Coverage Status codecov

Package requirements

  • Node.js ≥ 8.9.0


Development requirements

  • Satisfies package requirements
  • UNIX-like environment (Linux, macOS, FreeBSD, etc.)
  • Package manager that supports monorepo: pnpm (Recommened), yarn

Install dependencies

Using pnpm

pnpm recursive link

Using yarn

yarn # or yarn install

Some important scripts

Most scripts are available in package.json's scripts object but some are only available through pnpx/yarn exec.

In the following section, pnpm run/yarn run is alternative to npm run, pnpx/yarn exec is alternative to npx.


Normal tests:

pnpm test

Update jest snapshots:

pnpm test -- -u

Run TypeScript check:

pnpm run type-check

Clean TypeScript build

pnpm run clean-typescript-build

Generate .npmignore

pnpm run generate-npmignore

Mismatched local packages' version

Check for mismatched local packages' version:

pnpm run mismatched-versions

Update mismatches local packages' versions:

pnpx nested-wrkspc.prv verman mismatches -u .

Out-of-date external packages

Check for outdated packages:

pnpx nested-wrkspc.prv depman outdated .

Update outdated packages:

pnpx nested-wrkspc.prv depman outdated -u .
pnpm recursive link # or yarn install

Untested Features

  1. CLI subcommand publish in package nested-workspace-helper: Cannot mock npm registry in CLI environment.
  2. CLI subcommand dependency-management outdated in package nested-workspace-helper: Cannot mock npm registry in CLI environment.
  3. Entire package git-ts: It's too complicated to create a test friendly git repo.
  4. Most of random-org-http: Testing over network is complicated.