Main Rubik for your app

npm install rubik-main@2.3.2



Rubik is a powerful library, for build extensible applications from small kubiks.

Main concept

Rubik was born to create large applications that can be used not only independently, but also as a NodeJS module, in other applications. At the same time without hard work in development, extension and support.

Application in Rubik is a hub of Kubiks. Kubik is a small box with a small responsibility. You can unite and combime kubiks, for the fast bootstraping, without parts that you don't need.

Example of Kubiks:

  • Congfiguration
  • Logging
  • Mailing
  • Storaging
  • Transporting (HTTP, Websockets, etc)
  • it yourself


Using Yarn:

yarn add rubik-main

Using NPM:

npm install rubik-main

Create and use App

const Rubik = require('rubik-main');

const app = new Rubik.App();
app.add(new Rubik.Kubiks.Config());
app.add(new Rubik.Kubiks.Log());
// app.add(your kubiks) ...

Another way, add kubiks as an array:

  new Rubik.Kubiks.Config(),
  new Rubik.Kubiks.Log()

or as constructor's arguments:

const app = new Rubik.App([
  new Rubik.Kubiks.Config(),
  new Rubik.Kubiks.Log()

Create your own Kubik

A new Kubik should be inherited from the Kubik class.

There is only one additional requirement for Kubik. It should implement up method.

const { Kubik } = require('rubik-main');

class MyKubik extends Kubik {
  async up() {
    // bootstrap your kubik

We can add dependencies list to Kubik, and Rubik will check they existing.

class MyKubik extends Kubik {
  constructor() {
    this.dependencies = ['config', 'log'];

  up({ config, log }) {
    // do something with config and log

// Or you can use prototype, for creating list once.
// MyKubik.prototype.dependencies = Object.freeze(['config', 'log']);


All Kubiks have a hook system. You can use it, if you want.

Method after

You can add async method after to your kubik, and after application will up all kubiks, it will call after methods if they exists.

Name of Kubik

Every Kubik's instance should contain name field. When you add your kubik to application, it get name, and use it. If your kubik doesn't contain name, will be used.

Attach and extract an application from different objects

If you need an application attached to some object in your kubik, you can use the method app.attach(object) or static equivalent App.attach(app, object).

You can extract application from any object (if application was attached) by the static method App.extract(object).

For example simplest HTTP Kubik with express:

// Some middleware
const { App } = require('rubik-main');

const check = async (req, res, next) => {
  const app = App.extract(req);

  const { Users } =;

  try {
    const user = await Users.auth(req.body.login, req.body.password);
  } catch (err) {
    return next(err);

  return next();

// ...
// ... preparing Kubik class
class HTTP extends Kubik {
  constructor() {
    this.expressApp = express();

  up() {
    // Attach to an req of express
    this.expressApp.use((req, res, next) =>;
    // Another way this.expressApp.use((req, res, next) => App.attach(, req));

    // add middleware which uses Rubik's application inside


// ...
// ... add Kubik's instance into the application
const app = new App();

app.add(new SomeStorageKubik());
app.add(new HTTP());

Bootstrap third-party modules

You could bootstrap thrird-party modules throught lifecicle hooks. The general method is .hook:

app.hook(hookName, hookCallback);

There are few hooks, which an app provides to you. All hooks are asyncronious. In this case, you could use async callbacks for it.


Runs in the top of app.up(). In this hook you could add new kubiks, because none of them has been processed.

app.hook('atStart', async () => {
  // your code here


Runs in the top of app.up(), but after the application calculated all the dependencies and prepared their kubiks for the up.

In this hook you shouldn't add new kubiks, because all of them has been prepared.

You could add some custom logic in this hook before the application upped.

app.hook('before', async () => {
  // your code here


This hook runs after all kubiks was upped, but before the application runs their after methods.

app.hook('after', async () => {
  // your code here


This hook runs in the end of app.up().

You could bootstrap in this hook.

app.hook('atEnd', async () => {
  // your code here


This hook runs in the top of app.down()

You could run cleanup jobs here.

app.hook('beforeDown', async () => {
  // your code here


This hook runs in the top of app.down()

You could run cleanup jobs here.

app.hook('afterDown', async () => {
  // your code here