Modern filesystem library

fs, nodejs
npm install saxon@0.1.0


saxon v0.2.7

Modern filesystem library.

  • Paths are relative to the working directory (if not absolute)
  • Paths starting with ~/ are resolved relative to os.homedir()
  • Error codes are exposed to the user (eg: fs.NOT_REAL)
  • Functions available in both APIs behave identically

🚧 Under construction

const fs = require('saxon');
  • stat(name) Get the stats of a file
  • read(name, enc) Read an entire file into memory
  • reader(name, opts) Create a readable stream
  • follow(name, recursive) Resolve a symlink
  • isFile(name)
  • isDir(name)
  • mkdir(name) Create a directory
  • write(name, content) Create or update a file
  • writer(name, opts) Create a writable stream

The read function takes a path or file descriptor as its first argument. The data encoding defaults to "utf8". Pass a string as the second argument to customize the encoding. For a buffer object, you must pass null as the encoding.

The follow function does not throw when the given path is not a symlink. Pass true as the second argument to automatically follow a chain of symlinks until a file or directory is found. Pass a function as the second argument to be called for every resolved path. Your function must return a boolean, where false forces the result to be the previous path. It throws a LINK_LIMIT error if the real path cannot be resolved within 10 reads. It throws a NOT_REAL error if a resolved path does not exist.

The mkdir function recursively creates any missing parent directories. It throws a PATH_EXISTS error if the path (or one of its parents) already exists and isn't a directory.

The writer function creates a WriteStream object. Pass a number as the first argument to use a file descriptor.

Blocking API

const fs = require('saxon/sync');
  • stat(name) Get the stats of a file
  • lstat(name)
  • read(name, enc) Read an entire file into memory
  • readJson(name)
  • readPerms(name) Get file permissions in string form (eg: "0777")
  • list(name) Get the array of paths in a directory
  • follow(name, recursive) Resolve a symlink
  • exists(name)
  • isFile(name)
  • isDir(name)
  • isLink(name) Return true if given name is a symlink
  • touch(name) Create a file or update its mtime
  • chmod(name, mode) Change the permissions of a file
  • link(name, target) Create a symlink
  • write(name, content) Create or update a file
  • mkdir(name) Create a directory
  • rename(src, dest)
  • copy(src, dest) Copy a file or directory
  • remove(name, recursive) Destroy a path

The stat function follows symlinks to their real path.

The list function throws a NOT_REAL error if the given path does not exist. It throws a NOT_DIR error if the given path is not a directory.

The copy function throws a NOT_REAL error if the given src path does not exist. When the src path is a file and the dest path is a directory, the src path is copied into the dest directory. When both are directories, the src directory is merged into the dest directory, rather than replacing it entirely. Symlinks are preserved, but their target paths are never changed.

The remove function unlinks a file, symlink, or empty directory. Pass true as the second argument to unlink non-empty directories.