Simple Friendly Cookie parser and serializer for Node.js and browsers.

cookie, sfn
npm install sfn-cookie@1.0.7



Simple Friendly Cookie parser and serializer for Node.js and browsers.


npm install sfn-cookie


const { Cookie, parse, serialize, parseMany } = require("sfn-cookie");

var cookie1 = new Cookie("username=Luna"),
    cookie2 = new Cookie("username=Luna; Max-Age=120; HttpOnly"),
    cookie3 = new Cookie("username", "Luna"),
    cookie4 = new Cookie("username", "Luna", { maxAge: 120, httpOnly: true }),
    cookie4 = new Cookie({ name: "username", value: "Luna", maxAge: 120, httpOnly: true });

console.log(cookie1.toString()); // username=Luna

console.log(cookie2.toString()); // username=Luna; Max-Age=120; HttpOnly

console.log(cookie3.toString()); // username=Luna

console.log(cookie4.toString()); // username=Luna; Max-Age=120; HttpOnly

// parse() is the same as new Cookie(cookieStr)
console.log(parse("username=Luna; Max-Age=120; HttpOnly"));

// serialize() is the same as cookie.toString()
console.log(serialize(cookie2)); // => username=Luna; Max-Age=120; HttpOnly

if(typeof document === "object"){
    // Assign cookie to the browser:
    document.cookie = cookie1.toString();

    // Parse cookies from the browser:
    let cookies = parseMany(document.cookie);

In Browsers

const { Cookie } = SfnCookie; // SfnCookie is a global variable.


  • new Cookie(cookieStr: string)

  • new Cookie(options: CookieOptions)

  • new Cookie(name: string, value: string, options?: BaseCookieOptions) All options include:

    • name: string NOT in BaseCookieOptions.
    • value: string NOT in BaseCookieOptions.
    • maxAge: number How many seconds that this cookie should last.
    • expires: number|string|Date: Keep alive to a specified date or time.
    • sameSite: Honor same-site principle, could be either strict or lax.
    • domain: Set cookie for a specified domain name.
    • path: Set cookie for a specified pathname.
    • httpOnly: Only HTTP, not JavaScript, can access this cookie.
    • secure: This cookie won't be sent if not using HTTPS protocol.
  • cookie.toString() Gets the serialized cookie string of the current instance.

  • parse(cookieStr: string): Cookie Parses a cookie string to a Cookie instance. If cookieStr is invalid, a null will be returned.

  • parseMany(str: string): Cookie[] Parses a string as multiple cookies, useful for parsing document.cookie and req.headers.cookie.

  • serialize(data: Cookie | CookieOptions): string Serializes an object or Cookie instance to a valid cookie string.


Although you can manipulate all cookie options with this module is browsers, but not all options are supported by browsers, e.g. sameSite and httpOnly are not supported by document.cookie, and secure only works with HTTPS protocol.