Dev server that quickly gets you up and running

npm install shipp@0.9.2




$ npm install -g shipp


shipp is your zero configuration front-end dream tool. By using sensible defaults, and a handy CLI, you can get almost any dev-project up and running with no work. Compilation pipelines are easy, and dependencies are hot-loaded. As for the haters, you can of course override the config, we just try to make it unnecessary.

For example, adding a Jade-Handlebars-HTML Minifier pipeline requires no grunts and no gulps. Assuming we denote these with "jbs" extension, simply type:

$ shipp pipelines:add *.jbs "jade>handlebars>html-minifier"

The end goal is to fully automate front-end pipelines from development to Dockerized microservice deployment with minimal configuration. We're not there yet: this is the first step of many!

How do we do this with zero configuration? See below!


  • Insanely smart routing inferred from directory structure (with wildcards)
  • Live browser refresh
  • [Removed] Advanced chaining of preprocessors (CoffeeScript > Babel > UglifyJS)
  • [Removed] Automatic compilation of templating libraries (Jade, Handlebars, JSX, etc.)
  • [Removed] Automatic compilation of transpile-to-JS language (CoffeeScript, LiveScript, etc.)
  • [Removed] Automatic compilation of stylesheet languages (Less, Sass, Stylus)
  • [Removed] Automatic bundling of single page apps via webpack
  • No excess waste: compiled files are stored in-memory, leaving your file system pristine
  • Powerful directives
  • Ability to store and mock data
  • Cookie, session and environment variables
  • Database querying via Universql
  • Custom middleware built on express
  • Local and environment variables with advanced injection
  • Optional caching (on by default) of templated routes in production (with compression!)
  • Forthcoming JSON REST API

Zero Configuration

By using a core set of rules, we are able to use zero configuration.

  1. Compilation pipelines are inferred from, and attached to file extensions. For example, .coffee files will be automatically transpiled by CoffeeScript, .ts by TypeScript, .hbs by Handlebars, and so on. You can override these settings using the CLI. For example, $ shipp pipelines:add html dust

  2. Route handlers are inferred from directory structure. For example,

└─ about/
`  ├─ legal.jade
`  └─ privacy.jade

compiles jade into html for routes /about/legal and /about/privacy.

  1. Scripts named index. will compile to single files via webpack*.
└─ app/
`  ├─ index.js
`  ├─ helper.js
`  └─ utils.js

turns into /scripts/app.js.

  1. HTML files named template turn into wildcard routes.
└─ posts/
`  └─ template.html

turns into /posts/:$slug, where query is passed into your templating engine. Note that this also applies to HTML-like files.

  1. JSON in your data directory will be swallowed into your server. If the JSON file is an array, it can be queried using the filename and path. If it an object, the keys function as paths (including folder). Let's see an example:
├─ music.json         # Contains { "artists" : [...], "albums" : [...] }
└─ api/
   └─ users.json   # Contains [user1, user2, user3]

Yields the routes: /artists, /albums, and /api/users. Note that since music.json contained an object, its keys give the route. Meanwhile, since users.json contained an array, the route is determined from the filename. In both cases, the parent directory is used as a prefix.

  1. HTML files can have DATA metadata using Universql
<!-- DATA=api/albums?id={{$slug}} -->

This is a fairly advanced topic and needs to be covered in more detail.

Recommended Directory Structure

Not only does shipp cover many directory structures automatically, you can use the CLI or shipp.json file to roll-your-own.

Here's what we recommend:

├─ data/        # (alt: json)
├─ fonts/       # (alt: type)
├─ images/
├─ scripts/     # (alt: js)
├─ styles/      # (alt: css)
├─ vendor/      # (alt: components)
└─ views/

Note that scripts contain your own JavaScript and vendor contains third-party. Third-party JavaScript is assumed to be precompiled and is handled as static files.

Special Variables

The following variables are attached to the templating context and should be treated as reserved: $query, $params, $data, $slug, $cookies, $session. They correspond to the related req variables in express. $slug is used only for templates and contains the wildcard portion of the URL.


Type shipp help for CLI options.


Apache 2.0