Closing the gap between server and client side, Slot is a Cross Side MVC Web Framework that lets developers reuse code on both sides, see more at

framework, web, development, slot, fragment, bootstrap, zurb, jquery, html, html5, css
npm install slot-framework@0.0.3


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Slot framework

Closing the gap between server and client side, Slot is a Cross Side MVC Web Framework that lets developers reuse code on both sides, see more at

How to use?

Slot is built in Node.js, and is deployed on index for easy use and distribution. Installing the slot-framework module you would enjoy all the necessary components to develop web projects using Slot Framework, but to ease your work, we have created the Slot Command Line.

Just execute the next command line to install the framework global on your machine:

$ npm install -g slot-cli

On your preferred workspace directory, execute the next command to build your HelloWorld project:

$ slot create hello

Execute the next command to add a demoPage.html page:

$ cd hello
$ slot add -p demoPage

And finally execute the next command to start up the Designer Server, and start prototyping you app:

$ slot start

     DESIGNER Server on http://localhost:800/

 * Deployment:
   PID          5544
   Root         /home/hello
 * Framework:
   metaData     /bind
   webRootDir   /www
   mvcRootDir   /app/mvc
   restRootDir  /app/rest
   dbRootDir    /app/db
   restFilter   /rest
   mvcFilter    /mvc
 * Logger:
   logFile      logs/slot.log
   maxsize      104857600
   maxFiles     10
 * Server:
   devMode      true
   compress     true
   caching      true
   cacheType    inMemory

 CTRL + C to shutdown

Now explore on your browser:

$ http://localhost:800/
$ http://localhost:800/demoPage.html

The Slot Command Line will help you to create; Pages, Fragments and REST Services. See more on Slot Framework Docs ...