This module is copy of this addon. All credits go to the author. I made a new version, to support flow type annotations.
yarn add -D storybook-addon-react-flow-docgen babel-plugin-react-docgen
A React Storybook addon to show documentation generated with docgen.
Add this line in addons.js
file within your storybook config directory:
import 'storybook-addon-react-flow-docgen/dist/register';
Then add a decorator to your stories:
'simple usage',
() => <ButtonSimple label="The Button" onClick={action('onClick')} />,
Finally you need to add babel-plugin-react-docgen
dt your .babelrc
"plugins": [
Also add global.STORYBOOK_REACT_CLASSES = {};
somewhere in begging of your code i.e. .storybook/config.js
My component name is undefined
or props are not displaying
This addon is using the full information from react-docgen. Look at that project for some examples on documenting components. When creating components, set the displayName
static property to show the correct component name on static builds.
To run provided example execute following command, storybook will run on port 3000
yarn example