
A library that brings recycled or new more understandable functions, understandable variables and much more!

math, simplymath
npm install super-mathjs@1.0.8



A library that brings recycled or new more understandable functions, understandable variables and much more!


yarn add ccmath :: npm i ccmath ...

Usage examples


const { Table } = require('ccmath')   
// If you want add:

new Table(numbers[]).add()
    // Example:
    new Table(15, 123, 43).add() // ==> 181

// If you want divide:

new Table(a:number, b:number).divide()
    // Example:
    new Table(83, 3).divide() // ==> 27.666666666666668

// If you want subtract:

new Table(a:number, b:number).subtract()
    // Example:
    new Table(83, 3).subtract() // ==> -5431

// If you want multiply:
new Table(numbers[]).multiply()
    // Example:
    new Table(2, 623, 91, 3).multiply() // ==> 340158


const app = require('ccmath')
// This will serve to find the radius of a circle
    // Example:
    app.circleradio(12) // ==> 452.3893421169302
const app = require('ccmath')
// This function is used to compare two numbers, if they are equal they will return true, otherwise they will return false., b:number)
    // Example:, 12) // ==> true, 212+1) // ==> true, 132) // ==> false, 212+1) // ==> true
const app = require('ccmath')
// This function is used to raise a number (base) with another number (exponent)
app.elevate(base:number, exponent:number)
    // Example:
    app.elevate(5, 2) // ==> 25
    app.elevate(523, 223) // ==> Infinity
    app.elevate(-523, 223) // ==> -Infinity
    app.elevate(-2, +4) // ==> 16
const app = require('ccmath')
// With this function you can get the highest number.
    // Example:
    app.max(5, 2, 10, 14, 65, 13012, 1, 0) // ==> 13012
    app.max(0, 0, 0, 0) // ==> 0
    app.max(-16, -15, -14, -13) // ==> -13
const app = require('ccmath')
// With this function you can get the lowest number.
    // Example:
    app.min(5, 2, 10, 14, 65, 13012, 1, 0) // ==> 0
    app.min(0, 0, 0, 0) // ==> 0
    app.min(-16, -15, -14, -13) // ==> -16
const app = require('ccmath')
// With this function you can get the percentage of a number.
app.percentage(a: number, b: number)
    // Example:
    app.percentage(100, 30) // ==> 30
    app.percentage(30, 100) // ==> 30
const app = require('ccmath')
// With this function you can get a random number with two bases, a minimum and a maximum.
app.random(a: number, b: number)
    // Example:
    app.random(1, 2) // ==> 2/1
    app.random(2, 1) // ==> 2/1
const app = require('ccmath')
// With this function you will be able to evaluate numbers more professionally.[])
    // Example:'12.7 cm to inch') // ==> 5 inch'sin(45 deg) ^ 2') // ==> 0.5
const app = require('ccmath')
// With this function you will be able to know the square root of a number.
    // Example:
    app.root2(64) // ==> 8
    app.root2(-64) // ==> NaN
const app = require('ccmath')
// With this function you will be able to know the cube root of a number.
    // Example:
    app.root3(64) // ==> 4
    app.root3(-64) // ==> -4
const app = require('ccmath')
// With this function you can round a number to the nearest next.
    // Example:
    app.round(123.99) // ==> 124
const app = require('ccmath')
// With this function you can verify if a value is a number or not, if it is it will return true, if it is not it will return false
    // Example:
    app.verify(-1.1);                // ==> true
    app.verify('2a1');              // ==> true
    app.verify('-1.1');              // ==> true
    app.verify(parseInt('08'));      // ==> true
    app.verify(parseFloat('08'));    // ==> true
    app.verify([0, 1, 2]);           // ==> true
    app.verify(null);                // ==> false
    app.verify('');                  // ==> false
    app.verify('hi');                // ==> false
    app.verify(['ax', 'bn', 'cd']);  // ==> false
    app.verify(function () {});      // ==> false
const app = require('ccmath')
// With this function you can return only the integer part of a given number.
app.whole(a: number)
    // Example:
    app.whole(123.99999999999) // ==> 123
    app.whole(-1.5) // ==> -1
const app = require('ccmath')
// With this function you can round a given number up to the previous whole number.
app.wholea(a: number)
    // Example:
    app.wholea(123.99999999999) // ==> 123
    app.wholea(-1.3) // ==> -2
const app = require('ccmath')
// With this function you can round a given number up to the next whole number.
app.wholes(a: number)
    // Example:
    app.wholes(0.1) // ==> 1
    app.wholes(-1.5) // ==> -1
    app.wholes(-0.9) // ==> -0


const app = require('ccmath')
app.root2x // ==> 1.4142135623730951 - √2
app.euler // ==> 2.718281828459045 - The Euler rule
app.pi // ==> 3.141592653589793 - It is the ratio of the length of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.
app.pinf // ==> Infinity - Represents positive infinity
app.ninf // ==> -Infinity - Represents negative infinity
app.maxnum // ==> 1.7976931348623157e+308 - Returns as many JavaScript as possible
app.minnum // ==> 5e-324 - Returns the smallest possible number in JavaScript