
This is used to sync submodules with repository

npm install syncsubmodule@2.0.13


SubmoduleSync Logo

Fast, minimalist gitsubmodule-sync for node.

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This is a Node.js module available through the npm registry.

Before installing, download and install Node.js. Node.js 0.10 or higher is required.

Installation is done using the npm install command:

$ npm install syncsubmodule

Description :

It is a shell script which handles the interaction between project and other gitsubmodules while committing on git , very easily . It will allow us to update all submodules with their latest updates and checkout to branch of project so that they are in sync . It irradicates the need for manually moving into submodule directory and stashing/committing their changes and then switching to branch where project is currently on . It also checks your linting which you will be specifying for your project . If script runs successfully then you can continue with push command .

Instructions to Follow :

  • npm install syncsubmodule

  • Simply edit in your project's package.json, such as:


  "scripts": {
      "updateSubmodule": "sh ./node_modules/syncsubmodule/",
      "lint": "eslint .",
      "precommit-msg":"echo 'Pre-commit checks... !!'"
  • Start coding


  • Focus on high performance
  • Easy working with git
  • Executable for pushing applications quickly
  • Checks Eslint


The syncsubmodule philosophy is to provide small, robust tooling for synchronization between all submodules with main repository, making it a great solution for single page applications, web sites.


To try the example, clone the repository and install the dependencies:

$ git clone
$ Under this repository,
    git submodule add
$ start coding ,committing & pushing on git

Then run example :

$ npm start

Install dependencies:

$ npm install

ThankYou !!