A javascript template engine, simple, easy & extras, support webpack, rspack, vite, rollup, esbuild, parcel, browserify, fis and gulp.

template, template.js, js, arttemplate, baidutemplate, browserify, dotjs, ejs, esbuild, fis, handlebars, jade, juicer, parcel, rollup, rspack, templatejs, tmpl, vite, webpack
npm install template_js@2.0.1-alpha.0



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A javascript template engine that is simple, easy to use, and supports webpack, rspack, vite, esbuild, rollup, parcel, browserify, fis, and gulp.


  • Native JS syntax, template parsing, compilation, and rendering
  • Supports all browsers and Node, supports TypeScript
  • Precompilation supports mainstream packaging tools
  • Custom configurations, decorators, and functions
  • Data filtering support
  • Exception capture functionality
  • Subtemplates
  • Sandbox mode
  • Supports JIT and AOT compilation modes
  • Provides CLI integrated tools
  • Provides support for editor plugins

User Guide

template.js is a better way than concatenating strings, Click to use codesandbox for a quick demo

Template example

    <%for(var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {%>

Data example

const data = {
  list: [{ name: 'yan' }, { name: 'haijing' }],

Render output


Editor plugins supported by template.js

Editor Plugin
Vscode highlight plugin
Sublime highlight plugin
Atom highlight plugin
WebStorm TODO

Quickly initialize a project using CLI tools

$ npx @templatejs/cli new myapp
# Choose the corresponding platform
# ❯ webpack
#   rspack
#   vite
#   rollup
#   esbuild
#   parcel2
#   parcel1
#   fis3
#   browserify
#   gulp
#   browser

If you already have a project, you can choose a corresponding plugin, template.js supports different usage methods

Platform Plugin
webpack / rspack template-loader
vite / rollup rollup-plugin-templatejs
esbuild esbuild-plugin-templatejs
parcel2 parcel-transformer-template
parcel1 parcel-plugin-template
fis fis-parser-template
browserify browserify-templatejs
gulp gulp-templatejs
Native web & Node.js template_js
Unsupported platforms You can write a plugin yourself, please see @templatejs/precompiler

Other packages summary

Developer Guide

This project uses lerna to manage multiple plugins. Common lerna commands are as follows, note that the npx prefix cannot be left out:

$ npx lerna init # Initialize
$ npx lerna create @templatejs/parser # Create a package
$ npx lerna add yargs --scope=@templatejs/parser # Install package dependencies
$ npx lerna list # List all packages
$ npx lerna bootstrap # Install all dependencies
$ npx lerna link # Create all soft links
$ npx lerna changed # List the packages to be updated next time when using lerna publish
$ npx lerna publish # Will tag, upload git, upload npm

Release steps, modify changelog

$ yarn lint
$ yarn build
$ yarn test
$ npx lerna publish

Release without tagging, suitable for test package.

$ yarn lint
$ yarn build
$ yarn test
$ lerna version --no-git-tag-version
$ npx lerna publish from-package --dist-tag next

Contributors List




Planned Feature List


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