
General non-mud specific utility functions for TinyFugue

tf, util, TinyFugue
npm install tf-util@1.0.2



General utility modules and functions for TinyFugue

This library provides supplemental functionality that I would have liked to see included in the built-in libraries.


Main entry point. This provides /requires for all modules in this library.

Support for stacks, queues, and dequeues.

It's actually all just dequeues with stack and queue convenience functions mapped to their dequeue implementations.

Dequeue functions

  • dequeue_init(queueName)

    Create a user variable for a dequeue container. Clobbers any existing data in that variable.

  • dequeue_length(queueName)

    Return the number of elements in a container.

  • dequeue_append(queueName, value)

    Add an element to the end of the dequeue.

  • (TODO) dequeue_prepend(queueName, value)

    Add an element to the beginning of the dequeue.

  • dequeue_popFirst(queueName)

    Remove the first element in the dequeue and return it.

  • dequeue_popLast(queueName)

    Remove the last element in the dequeue and return it.


  • stack_init(...)

    Alias for dequeue_init(...)

  • stack_length(...)

    Alias for dequeue_length(...)

  • stack_push(...)

    Alias for dequeue_append(...)

  • stack_pop(...)

    Alias for dequeue_popLast(...)

  • queue_init(...)

    Alias for dequeue_init(...)

  • queue_length(...)

    Alias for dequeue_length(...)

  • queue_push(...)

    Alias for dequeue_append(...)

  • queue_pop(...)

    Alias for dequeue_popFirst(...)

Basic event firing and observing mechanism.

This is great for decoupling bits of code. Events should be named with just letters and periods. The order in which event listeners are called is undefined.

  • event_addListener(eventName, callbackMacroName)

    Add a listener function to be called when the event is fired.

  • event_removeListener(eventName, callbackMacroName)

    Remove a listener function from the list of callbacks for a given event.

  • `event_fire(eventName, parametersForCallback, ...)

    Fire an event and pass the given parameters to each registered callback.

  • list_macros(regex)

Return a space-delimited list of macros matching the given regular expression.

  • redis<Command>(parameters)

    Send the given command to the Redis server. Many basic commands are supported. See source for exhaustive list.

  • tfunit_declareGroup(groupName)

    Declare of a group of unit tests that will be run together.

  • tfunit_endGroup()

    Ends the current group of unit tests and runs them.

  • tfunit_assertTrue(value, message)

  • tfunit_assertEqual(expected, observed, message)
  • tfunit_assertStrEqual(expected, observed, message)

    Basic assert messages. StrEqual uses the =~ operator while Equal uses ==.

  • tfunit_testGroup(groupName)

    Run the unit tests in the named test group.

It may seem redundant, but providing a more robust system for managing variables can be a great way to provide flexibility in handling variable persistence and events.

  • declareVar(varName, default)

    Declare a variable and make it available possibly with a default value. This is non-destructive if the variable already exists.

  • setVar(varName, newValue)

    Change the value of a given variable

  • getVar(varName)

    Get the current effective value of the variable.

  • saveVars(filename)

  • loadVars(filename)

    Save/Load all user-land variables to a file in TF_NPM_ROOT/data/variables.

  • watchVar(varName, callback)

  • unwatchVar(varName, callback)

    Watch or unwatch for changes in a variable. The callback should be of the signature `callback(oldVal, newVal). The callback cannot prevent the change from occurring.