
A way to implement tsyringe together with react hooks, use it if you need dependency injection without interfaces or with a small container.

dependency injection, dependency, injection, javascript, typescript, react, hooks
npm install tsyringe-react@0.1.0


Tsyringe React

A way to implement tsyringe together with react hooks, use it if you need dependency injection without interfaces or with a small container.


First you have to install tsyringe

  • npm install --save tsyringe-react
  • yarn add tsyringe-react

withInjection helper

A helper for register the function with the token and wrap the function with a container.resolver.

  1. Wrap React hook with ´withInjection´ helper.

    // use-calc.ts
    import { withInjection } 'tsyringe-react'
    const useCalc = (n1: number, n2: number): number => {
      return n1 + n2;
    export default withInjection('useCalc', useCalc) // add withInjection
  2. Use the wrapped hook

    // CalcCard.tsx
    import useCalc from 'use-calc';
    import { FC } from 'react';
    import { useResolve } from 'tsyringe-react';
    type CalcCardProps = {
      number1: number;
      number2: number;
    const CalcCard: FC<CalcCardProps> = ({ number1, number2 }) => {
      const result = useCalc(number1, number2);
      return <div>Result : {result}</div>;
    export default Calc;
  3. inject mock in tests

// Calc.test.tsx
import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react';
import CalcCard from 'CalcCard';

test('should render result', () => {
  const number1 = 1;
  const number2 = 2;
  const result = 3;

  const mockUseCalc = jest.fn(() => result);

  // inject mock
  container.register('useCalc', {
    useValue: mockUseCalc,

  const { container } = render(
    <CalcCard number1={number1} number2={number2} />

  expect(container).toHaveTextContent('Result : 3');
  expect(mockUseCalc).toBeCalledWith(number1, number2);

useResolve hook

1.- create container

// it is very important that the container import it from `tsyringe-react`
import { container } from 'tsyringe-react';
import { API_TOKEN } from 'constants';

container.register(API_TOKEN, { useFactory: () => process.env.API_TOKEN });

2.- create some class

// get-user.service.ts
import { User } from './user.entity';
import { injectable } from 'tsyringe-react';

export class GetUserService {
  perform(apiToken: string): User {

3.- Use useResolve hook

// UserCard.tsx
import { API_TOKEN } from './constants';
import { GetUserService } from './get-user.service';

const UserCard: FC<CalcCardProps> = ({ number1, number2 }) => {
  // The token can be a string
  const apiToken = useResolve<string>(API_TOKEN);

  // The token can be a class, in which case `useResolve` returns an instance of that class
  const getUserService = useResolve<string>(API_TOKEN);

  const user = getUserService.perform(apiToken);

  return <div>user name : {user.name}</div>;

export default UserCard;
  1. inject mock in tests

Note: in order not to conflict with the types, I use jest-mock-extended to create the service mock

// UserCard.test.tsx
import { mock } from 'jest-mock-extended';
import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react';
import { API_TOKEN } from './constants';
import { GetUserService } from './get-user.service';

import UserCard from './UserCard';

test('should render user name', () => {
  const apiToken = '123';
  const user = new User('user one');
  const mockGetUserService = mock<GetUserService>();


  // inject mocks
  container.register(API_TOKEN, { useValue: apiToken });
  container.register(GetUserService, { useValue: mockGetUserService });

  const { container } = render(<UserCard />);

  expect(container).toHaveTextContent('user name : user one);

Example project

You can see an example of a next project in the example directory

git clone git@github.com:ramon-sg/tsyringe-react.git
cd tsyringe-react/example
yarn install
yarn dev

// open http://localhost:3000


  • Improve the example project with more tests
  • A better RADME
  • a better english :(