
GraphQL for the Untappd API

beer, graphql, untappd, untappd-api
npm install untappd-graphql@1.4.0


GraphQL for the Untappd API

npm install untappd-graphql


  • a GraphQL server that delegates to the Untappd API
  • optional caching of Untappd API results
  • exports for use in your own project


You will need an approved Untappd API app and the following information from the app's settings:

  • Client ID
  • Client Secret

API Endpoints Implemented

The following are currently implemented. If you'd like to see others, please add an issue (or, even better, submit a PR that implements them).


Info / Search

  • Brewery Search - (brewerySearch)
  • A convenience query, brewerySearchInflated, provides the results of brewerySearch inflated with breweryInfo for each brewery returned by brewerySearch. Since this requires an API call for every brewery you should use caching if using this.
  • Brewery Info - (breweryInfo)

Running the GraphQL server


The following environment variables must be set:

  • UNTAPPD_CLIENT_ID: the Client ID from your Untappd app
  • UNTAPPD_CLIENT_SECRET: the Client Secret from your Untappd app

Running the Example Server

DEBUG=* npm start

This will run the /graphql endpoint on localhost on the PORT environment variable, if defined (defaults to 9090). In non-production environments, the GraphQL Playground interface will run here too.

In-memory caching (see below) is enabled on the example server.

Test query:

  brewerySearch(q: "Inefficient Prohibitions") {

User Authentication

To use an Untappd user's API limits instead of your app's limits, you can authenticate the user and pass their access_token to the API.

To do this, set user.data.untappd on the context property to the user's Untappd access token when creating the GraphQL server.

Using in Your Own Project

This module exports the following for use in your GraphQL project:

  • Type definitions: typeDefs
  • Resolvers: resolvers
  • An executable schema: schema

For example, you could use the typeDefs and resolvers to make an executable schema for you own GraphQL server (see server.js) or for schema stitching it with another schema.


To cache the API results from Untappd pass in a cache object as a property of context when creating the GraphQL server. The cache must support the following function signatures (such as node-cache):

  • get(key)
  • set(key, value)

Caching is recommended, especially if using the brewerySearchInflated Query since it requires one API call for the search and one for each Brewery returned.

For an example using node-cache as an in-memory cache with apollo-server-express see server.js.