
Used to ensure modern CLI scripts fail silently on old js versions. Useful for static analysis tools and similar

npm install version-guard@1.1.3


Version Guard

Used to ensure modern CLI scripts fail silently on old node.js versions

npm version npm downloads Types in JS neostandard javascript style Follow


Add a top-level file to your project, eg. cli.js, containing something like:

require('version-guard')('./path/to/file/to/run', 14, 18);


versionGuard(filePath, minMajor, [minMinor])

  • filePath - a path to the modern file that should be run
  • minMajor - the lowest major Node.js version that should be allowed to run the file
  • [minMinor] - the lowest minor version of minMajor that should be allowed to run the file

On supported versions imports and runs filePath using the dynamic import() (supporting both ESM and CJS modules).

On non-supported versions, fails silently with an error message.

Apart from checking current node version this command also looks up the main project's package.json and checks that the engines.node in it mentions the same version number as is sent to this command. To ensure that maintainers doesn't forget to update one of the two and thus the two diverging.


This project itself is a CJS project as the entire point is to work on incredibly old node.js versions.

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