
The most complete data source for all your Warframe needs and interests. Contains everything missing in Public Export and more.

warframe, warframe-items
npm install warframe-public-export-plus@0.2.4



The most complete data source for all your Warframe needs and interests. Contains everything missing in Public Export and more.


Data and localisations are entirely split here (into Export*.json and dict.*.json, respectively). This should make it trivial to handle localisations in your projects without tons of duplicated data. Unfortunately, this may make it difficult to manually browse the data; however, you can type whatever you're looking for into omni.wf, which is uses this data and is open-source.


Most exports here have an icon field, which contains a path, e.g. /Lotus/Interface/Icons/Player/DanteGlyph.png. These images are shipped with the game, so they can be accessed in several ways:

However, images shipped with the game are heavily compressed, so you should check ExportImages if you care about quality:



  • This price (credits), skipTimePrice (platinum), and ingredients are for Moon clans. To convert these e.g. to Ghost clan values, simply divide them by 100 with a lower limit of 1.


  • Crossfire missions can be detected by the secondaryFactionIndex field being present. The /Lotus/Language/Missions/MissionName_Crossfire label may be used for their mission type.
  • Tyana Pass (SolNode450) is a bit special in that it uses the /Lotus/Language/Missions/DualDefenseCompare label for the faction.


  • There is no name field, instead /Lotus/Language/Items/BlueprintAndItem is used with |ITEM| substituted to the result name.


  • There is no name field, instead the added category and era fields can be used in conjuction with /Lotus/Language/Relics/VoidProjectionName to construct the name.


  • There are some special tables where rewards have a rarity instead of a probability. These cases are void relics and archon hunt shard rewards. In the former case, the probabilities depend on the relic refinement.


  • Several mods share the same name, e.g. for "Vitality" and "Pressure Point" there's 3 mods each. Some of these might be flawed variants, but others might simply be forgotten development artefacts. These can be avoided by checking that isStarter and isFrivilous are both absent.
  • Challenge complications are combined using /Lotus/Language/Challenges/Challenge_Complication_Combiner.



  • Non-weapon items such as modular parts are in here as well. These can be filtered by checking if behaviours is absent.
  • Kitgun Chambers also have a primeOmegaAttenuation [sic] field, this is the Riven Disposition for when the Kitgun is a primary instead of secondary weapon.
  • The damagePerShot array is documented here, although the behaviours array should be preferred.