List of ECMAScript white space characters.

whitespaces, RegExp, module, javascript, nodejs, browser, whitespace
npm install white-space-x@4.0.2


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module.exports : string

List of ECMAScript white space characters.

Kind: Exported member Example

import whiteSpace from 'white-space-x';
whiteSpaces.list.foreach(function(item) {
  console.log(item.description, item.code, item.string);

const characters = [
const ws = characters.join('');
const re1 = new RegExp('^[' + whiteSpace + ']+$)');
console.log(re1.test(ws)); // true

white-space-x.list : Array.<CharRecord>

An array of the whitespace char codes, string, descriptions and language presence in the specifications.

Kind: static property of white-space-x

white-space-x.string2016 : string

A string of the ES5 to ES2016 whitespace characters.

Kind: static property of white-space-x Example

import {string2016 as whiteSpace2016} from 'white-space-x';
const characters = [
const ws = characters.join('');
const re1 = new RegExp('^[' + whiteSpace2016 + ']+$)');
console.log(re1.test(ws)); // true

white-space-x.string2017 : string

A string of the ES2017 to ES2018 whitespace characters.

Kind: static property of white-space-x

white-space-x~CharRecord : Object

A record of a white space character.

Kind: inner typedef of white-space-x

Name Type Description
code number The character code.
description string A description of the character.
es5 boolean Whether the spec lists this as a white space.
es2015 boolean Whether the spec lists this as a white space.
es2016 boolean Whether the spec lists this as a white space.
es2017 boolean Whether the spec lists this as a white space.
es2018 boolean Whether the spec lists this as a white space.
string string The character string.