
Lightweight and modular NodeJS server.

Server, NodeJS
npm install willcore.server@1.1.7



Build With Proxies - By Philip Schoeman
License : MIT


In order to make the API as simple as possible, WillCore uses the concept of assignables to instantiate and assign state to internal objects. The concept might be a bit weird at first, but it simplifies the API.

E1) Let's take the following example:

//Creates an instance of the database class and assign values to it.
let dataBase = new mySQL();
dataBase.connectionString = "";
dataBase.userName = "root";
dataBase.password = "mypassword";
//Adds a table to the database
let userTable = new table();
userTable.name = "usersDB";

In the example above we use traditional Class or Function instantiation and then we assign properties to the instance. But by doing so we are expecting the programmer to know the API and what values to assign. But what if the class itself knew what values to assign where? That is where assignables come in.

E2) Doing it the assignable way:

//Creating an instance of the mysql database named "usersDB"
dbProxy.usersDB.mysql = ["", "userName", "password"];
//Defining a table on the database named "usersTable"

The two examples above do the exact same thing. When the class is assigned to $elementId, the framework checks if the class inherits from an assignable. Then it creates an instance of the mysql class. The instance of the mysql class then tells WillCore that it needs 3 strings to complete assignment. When the strings are assigned, the mysql class initiates itself.

The syntax for assignables is:

proxyInstance.newPropertyName.newObjectType = assignmentValues (optional)

  • Proxy Instance : An instance of a proxy that supports assignables. In the case of WillCore.Data, it can be the main proxy, a database proxy, table proxy or column proxy.
  • New Property Name : The name of the property that has to be created or set on the proxy.
  • New Object Type : The type of the value that is created on the parent proxy.

Getting started

WillCore.Server is an expansion module on the WillCore framework. It provides easy to use HTTP/HTTPS webserver functionality. WillCore.Server can easily be extended by installing willCore assignable modules. Out of the box it provides the following features:

  • HTTP/HTTPS web server.
  • File server.
  • RPC and REST service functionality (JSON).

Installing WillCore.Server

WillCore.Server can be installed as an extension module on WillCore.Server:

npm install willcore.core
npm install willcore.server

Creating a server

As with other willCore modules, the main willCore proxy needs to be imported and the server created the assignable way.

Server assignable

Has Name Assignable values Assignable result Can assign to
1 Number, 1 String serverProxy willCoreProxy

Server Assignable values

String Values Number Values Function Values
Server File Root Directory Server TCP port _

HTTP assignable

Has Name Assignable values Assignable result Can assign to
- Promise< void > serverProxy

HTTP Assignable values

String Values Number Values Function Values

HTTPS assignable

Has Name Assignable values Assignable result Can assign to
- Promise< void > serverProxy

HTTPS Assignable values

String Values Number Values Function Values

Creating a HTTP server

//Importing the willCore proxy
const willCoreFactory  = require("willcore.core");

//Lets use a IIFE to use async functionality.
(async () => {
    //New WillCore proxy instance.
    const willcore = willCoreFactory.new();
    //Creates a new server named "testServer" on port 8580
    willcore.testServer.server[dirname] = 8580;
    //Configure for http
    await willcore.testServer.http;

Creating a HTTPS server

//Importing the willCore proxy
const willCoreFactory = require("willcore.core");

//Lets use a IIFE to use async functionality.
(async () => {
    //New WillCore proxy instance.
    const willcore = willCoreFactory.new();
    //Creates a new server named "testServer" on port 8580
    willcore.testServer.server[dirname] = 8580;
    //Configure for http
    await willcore.testServer.https;

Important: When creating a HTTPS server, you need to run your IDE and as administrator. WillCore.Core will install a self signed certificate into your Windows' trusted root certificate store and needs admin rights to do so.

Serving a single file

Important: Keep in mind that when files are being served, all files including server-side file will be served. To block files being served, make sure that there is "_server" included in the file path. Either put the server files in a folder named *_server or name the files *_server. Example: /services_server/products.js or /services/products_server.js.

File assignable

Has Name Assignable values Assignable result Can assign to
2 String fileServerProxy serverProxy

Assignable values

String Values Number Values Function Values
Activation URL _ _
Path to file on file system that should be served _ _

In order to serve a file on a predefined URL, the file assignable can be used.

For instance to display a file "/views/index.html" home page on http://localhost:8580:

//Importing the willCore proxy
const willCoreFactory = require("willcore.core");

//Lets use a IIFE to use async functionality.
(async () => {
    //New WillCore proxy instance.
    const willcore = willCoreFactory.new();
    //Creates a new server named "testServer" on port 8580
    willcore.testServer.server[dirname] = 8580;
    //Configure for http
    await willcore.testServer.https;
    //Serve the home page
     willcore.testServer.homePage.file["/"] = "/views/index.html";
     //Serve the about page
     willcore.testServer.homePage.file["/about"] = "/views/about.html";

When navigating to https://localhost:8580 you will see the homepage. https://localhost:8580/about will be the about page.

Serving files in a directory

When you need to serve files in a folder, for example so serve a folder with it's sub folders with JavaScript files, the files assignable can be used. The first segment of the file's URL is the part that will activate the assignable.

Files assignable

Has Name Assignable values Assignable result Can assign to
1 String filesServerProxy serverProxy

Assignable values

String Values Number Values Function Values
Path to directory that should be served _ _

Serving files in a folder

//Importing the willCore proxy
const willCoreFactory = require("willcore.core");

//Lets use a IIFE to use async functionality.
(async () => {
    //New WillCore proxy instance.
    const willcore = willCoreFactory.new();
    //Creates a new server named "testServer" on port 8580
    willcore.testServer.server[dirname] = 8580;
    //Configure for http
    await willcore.testServer.https;
    //Serve the javascript folder.
     willcore.testServer.jsFiles.files = "/javascript";

When navigating to https://localhost:8580/jsFiles/bootstrap.js, the server will try and get the bootstrap.js file in the javascript folder and return it. If not found, a 404 error will be returned.


A service is a container of components that serve dynamic data. These components are called actions. A service is composed of the service assignable and a function that should be the main export of a different file.

Service assignable

Has Name Assignable values Assignable result Can assign to
1 String serviceProxy serverProxy

Assignable values

String Values Number Values Function Values
Path to service file _ _

Defining A Service

//Importing the willCore proxy
const willCoreFactory = require("willcore.core");

//Lets use a IIFE to use async functionality.
(async () => {
    //New WillCore proxy instance.
    const willcore = willCoreProxy.new();
    //Creates a new server named "testServer" on port 8580
    willcore.testServer.server[dirname] = 8580;
    //Configure for http
    await willcore.testServer.https;
    //Define a service in a file /services/dataService
     willcore.myService.service = "/services/dataService.js";

The Service Module

The service module is a function that should be the default export of a separate file. This function will be executed as soon as the service module is instantiated. The function take the following parameters:

Parameter Index Parameter Type Parameter Description
1 serviceProxy An instance of the service proxy of the function
2 serverProxy An instance of the server proxy that the service is assigned to.
3 willCoreProxy The main WillCore proxy instance.

Example Of A Service Module

module.exports = (serviceProxy, serverProxy, willcoreProxy) => {


Actions are functions that are invoked via a request. An action receive data via a model and all changes done to the model inside the action will be returned. An action should be defined inside a service function.

Actions will bind all inbound query parameters, request body values and REST parameters to the model.

Supported HTTP Verbs

  • get
  • post
  • put
  • delete
  • patch

RPC Actions

RPC actions parameters are send via the body of a request or query string parameters. Unlike REST actions RPC actions can't have parameters defined as part of the URL route.

Action assignable

Has Name Assignable values Assignable result Can assign to
1 String, 1 function actionRPCProxy serviceProxy

Action Assignable values

String Values Number Values Function Values
HTTP Verb _ Action function

Defining actions :

//Defines and exports the service module and function
module.exports = (service, server, willcore) => {
   //Action to get data Example URL: https://localhost:8410/serviceName/getData?data=SomeData
    service.getData.action.get = async (model) => {
        model.result = `Action received data: ${model.data}`;
    //Action to add data
    service.addData.action.post = async (model) => {
        let valueToAdd = model.data;
        //Code to add to database to go here
        model.message = "Successfully added entry to DB.";

REST Actions

REST actions parameters are send via the body of a request or query string parameters. Unlike RPC actions REST actions can have parameters defined as part of the URL route.

REST actions can take a parameter template as an assignable value. The template format is :


ActionREST assignable

Has Name Assignable values Assignable result Can assign to
2 Strings, 1 function actionRPCProxy serviceProxy

Action Assignable values

String Values Number Values Function Values
HTTP Verb _ Action function
URL Parameter Template _ _

Defining REST actions :

//Defines and exports the service module and function
module.exports = (service, server, willcore) => {
   //Action to get data Example URL: https://localhost:8410/serviceName/getData/product/2
   service.getData.actionREST["type/id"].get = async (model) => {
        let type = model.type;
        let id = model.id;
        let dbResult = [];
        //Get database results code to go here
       model.result = dbResult;
    //Request with body and URL parameter
    service.updateData.actionREST["id"].put = async (model) => {
        let id = model.id;
        let newValue = model.value;
        //Update database entry to go here
        model.message = "Record updated.";

Action Aliases

Sometimes it is required to have two or more actions activated on the same URL. For instance, if you have an action account/user and want to get, add, delete and update records, it is possible to have 4 different actions on the same URL if they have different HTTP verbs. This can be accomplished by defining the actions with different names and then afterwards giving the actions aliases.

Action assignable

Has Name Assignable values Assignable result Can assign to
_ Empty actionRESTProxy, actionRPCProxy

Action Assignable values

String Values Number Values Function Values

Using Action Aliases

module.exports = (service, server, willcore) => {
   //Can be called via URL: https:/localhost/account/user Verb: GET
    service.user.action.get = async (model) => {
       //Code to go here
    //Can be called via URL: https:/localhost/account/user Verb: POST
    service.postUser.action.post = async (model) => {
          //Code to go here
    //Can be called via URL: https:/localhost/account/user Verb: POST
    service.putUser.action.put = async (model) => {
          //Code to go here
    //Can be called via URL: https:/localhost/account/user Verb: DELETE
    service.deletetUser.action.delete = async (model) => {
          //Code to go here

Model Validations

To validate that the correct data is passed to an action, model validation can be used. There are two types of model validations, type validation and value validation.

Type Validation

Type validations can be used to validate that the parameter is present and of the correct type. The type is the JavaScript type and can be one of the following:

  • boolean
  • number
  • string

The type validation is assigned to the action proxy and should be an object where the name of the property on the validation object is the name of the parameter and the value the type of the parameter. When the validation fails a 422 error code will be returned.

TypeValidation assignable

Has Name Assignable values Assignable result Can assign to
1 object Empty actionRESTProxy, actionRPCProxy

Using Type Validations

module.exports = (service, server, willcore) => {
   service.validation.action.get = async (model) => {
    //Validates the request parameters.
    service.validation.typeValidation = {
        email: "string",
        name: "string",
        age: "number"

Value Validation

Value validations can be used to validate that parameters contain the correct value. For example to make sure that an email is in the correct format.

The value validation is assigned to the action proxy and should be an object where the name of the property on the validation object is the name of the parameter and the value is a function that takes the model as a parameter. When the function returns null, the validation for the parameter will fail. When the validation fails a 422 error code will be returned.

ValueValidation assignable__

Has Name Assignable values Assignable result Can assign to
1 object Empty actionRESTProxy, actionRPCProxy

Using Value Validations

module.exports = (service, server, willcore) => {
   service.validation.action.get = async (model) => {
    //Validates the request parameters.
    service.validation.valueValidation = {
        email: (model) => model.email.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*$/),
        name: (model) => model.name.length > 4

Combining Validations

Type and value validations can be used together to validate the request parameters. The type validation will execute first and only when all type validations pass, the value validations will execute.

Combining Type And Value Validations

service.validation.action.get = async (model) => {
service.validation.typeValidation = {
   email: "string",
   name: "string",
   age: "number"
service.validation.valueValidation = {
   email: (model) => model.email.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*$/),
   name: (model) => model.name.length > 4

Request Interceptors

Interceptors are functions that intercept and executes a function a request before or after an action is executed or file is returned. This can be used to implement token or cookie based authentication, caching etc. An interceptor can be defined via the interceptor assignable.

Interceptor assignable

Has Name Assignable values Assignable result Can assign to
1 function Empty actionRESTProxy, actionRPCProxy, fileServerProxy, filesServerProxy -> requestProxy

Interceptor Assignable values

String Values Number Values Function Values Name Values
_ _ _ before or after

Action Interceptors

Action Interceptor Function Parameters

  1. Action Model
  2. HTTP(S) Request Instance
  3. HTTP(S) Response Instance

When an action interceptor returns falsy, it returns the provided values assigned to the model as well as the assigned HTTP status code. This can be used for instance to block access to an action or cache the result of an action.

Using An Interceptor To Block Access To An Action

module.exports = (service, server, willcore) => {
   //Defines action to get data
    service.getData.action.get = async (model) => {
       model.data = [ { value : "Johanna Doe" } ];
    //Authorization interceptor
    service.getData.before.interceptor = async (model, request, response) => {
       let result = true;
       if (model.user === "JohnDoe"){
         model.statusCode = 501;
         model.error = "Unauthorized";
         result = false;
       return result;
   //Interceptor to add data to the response
   service.getData.after.interceptor = async (model, request, response) => {
      model.server = "WillCore.Server";
      return true;

File Interceptor Function Parameters

  1. File Path (before) and file data (for after)
  2. HTTP(S) Request Instance
  3. HTTP(S) Response Instance

File interceptors differs form action interceptors in the sense that file interceptors will return the result of the interceptor function if the value of the interceptor function's result evaluate to truthy. When the function returns data, the MIME type (response.mimeType) and status code (response.statusCode) needs to be specified on the response.

Browser Caching

WillCore.Server support ETag and max age browser caching by default for files served by the filesServerProxy or fileServerProxy. The caching can be turn on on via the eTagCache or the maxAgeCache assignables.

ETag Caching

ETag caching is implemented via a response and request HTTP header. When ETags are turned on, the browser will only download the file resource if it is changed on the server. For more information, read the MDN Documentation.

Has Name Assignable values Assignable result Can assign to
None Empty filesServerProxy, fileServerProxy

ETag Assignable values

String Values Number Values Function Values Name Values
_ _ _ _

Enabling ETag Cache On A File Service

//Importing the willCore proxy
const willCoreFactory = require("willcore.core");

//Lets use a IIFE to use async functionality.
(async () => {
    //New WillCore proxy instance.
    const willcore  = willCoreFactory.new();
    //Creates a new server named "testServer" on port 8580
    willcore.testServer.server[dirname] = 8580;
    //Configure for http
    await willcore.testServer.https;
    //Serve the javascript folder.
    willcore.testServer.jsFiles.files = "/javascript";
    //Enable ETag cache

Max Age Caching

Max Age caching is implemented via a response and request HTTP header. Max age caching returns a header with a file response to indicate how low the file should be cached in the browser's cache. For more information, read the MDN Documentation.

Has Name Assignable values Assignable result Can assign to
none Empty filesServerProxy, fileServerProxy

Max Age Assignable values

String Values Number Values Function Values Name Values
_ _ _ Cache duration in seconds of the file.

Enabling Max Age Caching On A File Service

//Importing the willCore proxy
const willCoreFactory = require("willcore.core");

//Lets use a IIFE to use async functionality.
(async () => {
    //New WillCore proxy instance.
    const willcore  = willCoreFactory.new();
    //Creates a new server named "testServer" on port 8580
    willcore.testServer.server[dirname] = 8580;
    //Configure for http
    await willcore.testServer.https;
    //Serve the javascript folder.
    willcore.testServer.jsFiles.files = "/javascript";
    //Enable max age caching, cache will expire after 3000 seconds

Registering MIME Types

Only files that are in the list of allowed MIME types will be served. When a file is requested with an unregistered MIME type, a 404 error code will be returned. Additional MIME types can be registered in WillCore via the mimeType assignable.

Has Name Assignable values Assignable result Can assign to
1 string Empty serverProxy

MIMEType Assignable values

String Values Number Values Function Values Name Values
The MIME type to be registered. _ _ The file extension of the file type registered.

Registering A MIME Type

//Importing the willCore proxy
const willCoreFactory = require("willcore.core");

//Lets use a IIFE to use async functionality.
(async () => {
    //New WillCore proxy instance.
    const willcore  = willCoreFactory.new();
    //Creates a new server named "testServer" on port 8580
    willcore.testServer.server[dirname] = 8580;
    //Configure for http
    await willcore.testServer.https;
    //Serve the javascript folder.
    willcore.testServer.jsFiles.files = "/javascript";
    //Registering the MIME type of SVG images
    coreProxy.testServer[".svg"].mimeType = "image/svg+xml";