
JQuery plugin for Wordpress that simplifies the development needed to upload media in custom themes and plugins.

npm install wordpress-media-gallery@1.2.0


Wordpress Media Uploader

GitHub version Bower version

JQuery plugin for Wordpress that simplifies the development needed to upload media in custom themes and plugins.


Several installation options are available:


Enqueue the javascript file and wordpress media:

// (1) Make sure WP media gallery is enqueued

// (2) Enqueue "Wordpress Media Uploader"
	PATH_TO_FILE . '/wordpress-media-uploader/dist/jquery.wp-media-uploader.min.js',
	[ 'jquery', 'jquery-ui-core' ]

NOTE: PATH_TO_FILE should be replaced with the path to where Wordpress Media Uploader is located. You can use the non-minified version too.

NOTE: See wp_enqueue_script codex reference for more options.


  • Images
  • Files
  • Videos (MP4)
  • Embeded (Youtube and Vimeo)



Here is a simple example of how to call the Media Gallery from an HTML:

<a href="#"
	Insert into post

Notice how the caller has class insert-media and a unique identifier named at data-editor (you should change this to your needs). Wordpress will recognize these two properties and open its Media Gallery Uploader on click.

Now lets add the element that will handle the results returned by the uploader and a target where to place the results.

<a href="#"
	Insert into post

<!-- Caller -->
<span id="media-caller"></span>

<!-- Results placeholder -->
<div id="my-editor-media"></div>

With these in place, let's add the functionality in jQuery:

	editor: "my-editor",
	target: "#my-editor-media"

Notice how we are indicating which editor and target is the gallery uploader targeting to.


Let's add a template so results are properly displayed:

<a href="#"
	Insert into post

<!-- Caller -->
<span id="media-caller">
	<!-- Template starts here -->
	<div class="attachment">
		<img alt="{{ alt }}" height="45">
		<input type="text" value="{{ url }}">
	<!-- Template ends here -->

<!-- Results placeholder -->
<div id="my-editor-media"></div>

Once Wordpress Media Uploader starts, the template (HTML code) is removed from the caller and stored in a variable within the plugin. It is used then to display any media returned by The Gallery Uploader inside the targeted placeholder.

Available template variables (must be under parenthesis {{}}):

Variable Description Media types
{{type}} Media type. image, file, video, embed
{{id}} Attachment ID. image
{{url}} Media url. image, file
{{alt}} Alternative text. image
{{img}} Image url. video, embed

NOTE: When the media returned is an image, the src attribute is automatically binded to the img tag. NOTE: When the media returned is a file, the img tag is removed. NOTE: When the media returned is a video or embed, the img attribute is automatically binded to the img tag.


Javascript available options:

Option Data type Description
editor string ID of The Media Gallery uploader.
target string Element set as target placeholder for media results.
render boolean Flag that indicates if plugin should render results. Default: true
template string Alternative HTML template. Plugin will use this instead of the one inside the caller.
clearTarget boolean Flag that indicates if plugin should clear the target before rendering results. Default: true
clearTemplate boolean Flag that indicates if plugin should clear the template inside the caller. Default: true
success function Callback function with media results as parameter, called after render process has finished.
filterMedia function Callback function that filters and replaces the media object (as parameter) prior to being renderer.

Here an example of how to prevent the plugin from rendering and do some custom logic instead:

    editor: "my-editor",
    render: false,
    success: function(media) {

        // Loop media returned
        $.each(media, function() {

            // DO CUSTOM LOGIC GERE

    filterMedia: function(media) {

        // Sample of how to filter the media captured
        if (media.type == 'video') {
            media.img = 'default.jpg';

        // Returns media filtered
        return media;


In order to use public methods. Plugin needs to be stored into a variable.

window.mediaUploader = $("#media-caller").mediaUploader();
Method Description
add Manually adds media to plugin.

Method add()

// Adding an individual media object
    type: 'image', // Supported: 'image','file'
    src: 'http://url.to.media',
    id: 707, // Media ID. (optional)
    alt: 'Image alt' // (optional)

// Adding multiple images passing an array as parameter.


Wordpress Media Uploader is free software distributed under the terms of the MIT license.