
Utility for mocking XMLHttpRequests in the browser or nodejs.

mock, xhr, test, fake, request, ajax, browser, xmlhttprequest, testing
npm install xhr-mocklet@1.2.3


XMLHttpRequest mocking

Build Status MIT NPM Version

Utility for mocking XMLHttpRequests both in the browser and nodejs. It's primary use case is for unit tests, allowing you to respond with mock responses, trigger timeouts, etc.

This library comes with complete TypeScript declaration files.


npm install --save --dev xhr-mocklet

# Or via yarn:
yarn add --dev xhr-mocklet


const mock = require('xhr-mocklet');

// Replace the real XHR object with the mock XHR object

// Mock a response for all POST requests to http://localhost/api/user
mock.post('http://localhost/api/user', (req, res) => {
  return res
    .header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
      lastName: 'John',
      firstName: 'Smith'

// Restore the original XHR object when all your tests are done.

Simulating an error

Simply return null from your response handler:

mock.post('http://localhost/foo', (req, res) => null);

Simulate a timeout

mock.post('http://localhost/foo', (req, res) => res.timeout(true));

Use mocked XMLHttpRequest

You can even use a mocked XMLHttpReqeuest instance to create Requests:

// Create an instance of the (mock) XHR object and use as per normal
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();

xhr.onreadystatechange = () => {
  if (xhr.readyState === xhr.DONE) {
    // when you're finished put the real XHR object back



Method Description
setup() Replace the global XMLHttpRequest object with the MockXMLHttpRequest.
teardown() Restore the global XMLHttpRequest object to its original state.
reset() Remove all request handlers.
get(url: string | regex, callback) Create GET mock response for a specific url.
post(url: string | regex, callback) Create POST mock response for a specific url.
put(url: string | regex, callback) Create PUT mock response for a specific url.
patch(url: string | regex, callback) Create PATCH mock response for a specific url.
delete(url: string | regex, callback) Create DELETE mock response for a specific url.
mock(callback) Register mock response for every request.


The api is practically similar to the native XMLHttpRequest.


Method Description
method(): string Get the request method.
url(): string Get the request URL.
query(): object Get the parsed query part of the request URL.
header(name: string): string Get a request header.
headers(): object Get all request headers.
body(): string Get the request body.


Method Description
status(): number Get the response status.
status(code: number) Set the response status.
header(name: string): string Get a response header.
header(name: string, value: string) Set a response header.
headers(): object Get response headers.
headers(headers: obejct) Set response headers.
body(): string Get response body.
body(body: string) Set response body.
timeout(): boolean | number Get weather the response will trigger a timeout.
timeout(ms: boolean | number) Set a timeout, otherwise default to the value set on the XHR object.
progress(loaded: number, total: number, lengthComputable: boolean) Trigger progress event. Pass in loaded size, total size and if event is lengthComputable.

Special Thanks

Special thanks goes to James Newell for his xhr-mock library. xhr-mocklet started out as a fork of his work.