zcsel: Zé CSS Selectors - A JQuery "kind of" CSS Selector engine
is a CSS Selector engine and a DOM manipulation tool belt for Node.JS. It is based on htmlparser and supports the most useful JQuery/CSS3 selectors. This is not committed to any of the CSS[23] and JQuery specifications but.. it pretends to be as near as possible to the available specifications.
The supported selectors are:
- All Selector: Selects all elements; -
- Tag Selector: Selects all elements with the given tag name; -
- ID Selector: Selects a single element with the given id attribute; -
- Class Selector: Selects all elements with the given class; -
ancestor descendant
- Descendant Selector: Selects all elements that are descendants of a given ancestor; -
selector1, selector2, selector3
- Multiple Selector: Selects the combined results of all the specified selectors; -
parent > child
- Child Selector: Selects all direct child elements specified by “child” of elements specified by “parent”; -
prev + next
- Next Adjacent Selector: Selects all next elements matching “next” that are immediately preceded by a sibling “prev”; -
prev ++ next
- Next Adjacent Selector Plus (invented by Zé): Selects all the next elements matching “next” that are immediately preceded by a sibling “prev” or by other matching element; -
prev ~ siblings
: Next Siblings Selector - Selects all sibling elements that follow after the “prev” element, have the same parent, and match the filtering “siblings” selector; -
: First Child Selector - Selects all elements that are the first child of their parent; -
: First Child of Type Selector - Selects all elements that are the first among siblings of the same element name; -
: Last Child Selector - Selects all elements that are the last child of their parent; -
: Last Child of Type Selector - Selects all elements that are the last among siblings of the same element name; -
: Child N Selector - Selects all elements that are the nth-childN
of their parent; -
: Child N of Type Selector - Selects all elements that are the nth-childN
of their parent; -
: Last Child N Selector - Selects all elements that are the nth-child of their parent, counting from the last element to the first; -
: Last Child N of Type Selector - Selects all elements that are the nth-child of their parent, counting from the last element to the first; -
: Only Child Selector - Selects all elements that are the only child of their parent; -
: Only Child of Type Selector - Selects all elements that have no siblings with the same element name; -
: Index N Selector - Select the element at index n within the matched set; -
: - Selects the elements containing the specified text or on their inner text or matching the provided regular expression; -
: Last Element Selector - Selects the first matched element; -
: Last Element Selector - Selects the last matched element; -
: Attribute Selector - Selects elements that have the specified attribute, regardless of its value; -
: Attribute Equals Selector - Selects elements that have the specified attribute with a value exactly equal to a certain value; -
: Attribute Not Equal Selector - Select elements that either don’t have the specified attribute, or do have the specified attribute but not with a certain value; -
: Attribute Contains Prefix Selector - Selects elements that have the specified attribute with a value either equal to a given string or starting with that string followed by a hyphen (-); -
: Attribute Contains Selector - Selects elements that have the specified attribute with a value containing the a given substring; -
: Attribute Contains Word Selector - Selects elements that have the specified attribute with a value containing a given word, delimited by spaces; -
: Attribute Starts With Selector - Selects elements that have the specified attribute with a value beginning exactly with a given string; -
: Attribute Ends With Selector - Selects elements that have the specified attribute with a value ending exactly with a given string. The comparison is case sensitive; -
: Empty Selector - Select all elements that have no children (including text nodes); -
: Root Selector - Selects the element that is the root of the document; -
: Subject determiner - Determines what elements of the selection will be returned.
The next selectors to be implemented are:
: Odd Elements Selector - Selects odd elements, zero-indexed. See also even; -
: Even Elements Selector - Selects even elements, zero-indexed. See also odd; -
: Less Than Selector - Select all elements at an index less than index within the matched set; -
: Greater Than Selector - Select all elements at an index greater than index within the matched set; -
: Parent Selector - Select all elements that have at least one child node (either an element or text); -
: Text Selector - Selects all elements of type text; -
: Submit Input Selector - Selects all elements of type submit; -
: Reset Input Selector - Selects all elements of type reset; -
: Radio Input Selector - Selects all elements of type radio; -
: Password Input Selector - Selects all elements of type password; -
: File Input Selector - Selects all elements of type file; -
: Button Input Selector - Selects all elements of type button; -
: Checkbox Input Selector - Selects all elements of type checkbox; -
: Input Selector - Selects all input, textarea, select and button elements; -
: Headings Selector - Selects all elements that are headers, like h1, h2, h3 and so on; -
: Image Selector - Selects all elements of type image;
The supported methods are:
- tag([tagName]): Return the element's tag name or change it;
- attr(attrName[,newValue]): Return the attribute
value or change it; - removeAttr(attrName): Remove the attribute named
; If attrName is omited, all the attributes are removed; - each(): Iterates on the matched elements;
- find(): Find descendent nodes;
- prev(): Return the previous node;
- next(): Return the next node;
- parent(): Return the parent node;
- text([noChilds]): Return the node's text. When noChilds optional argument is true, it's only returned the text of the current node, not child's text;
- code(): Same as text() but doesn't decode entities;
- html(): Return the merged HTML of the elements;
- outerhtml(): Return the merged outer HTML of the elements;
- val(): The same as attr("value");
- append(node1,node2,...): Add the specified nodes to the end of the matching elements;
- remove(): Removes the matching elements from their parent elements;
- empty(): Removes all the child nodes from the matching elements;
- replaceWith(node1,node2,...): Replace each one of the matching elements with the specified nodes;
- hasClass(class): Determine whether any of the matched elements are assigned the given class;
Parsing HTML:
The $ variable [result of zcsel.initDom()] can be also used to parse HTML, converting it on DOM element instances. Example:
var titles = $("<h1>Something</h1><h2>Here</h2>");
And then, can be used with DOM manipulation functions. Example:
npm install zcsel
Using it
Make some code like this:
htmlparser = require('htmlparser'),
zcsel = require('zcsel'),
pHandler = new htmlparser.DefaultHandler(function(err,dom){
if ( err ) {
console.log("Error parsing HTML: ",err);
// Zé stuff
var $ = zcsel.initDom(dom);
parser = new htmlparser.Parser(pHandler);
return parser.parseComplete('<html><head></head><body><div>...</div></body></html>');
depends of htmlparser or htmlparser2 and he.