
Plain text parser for Analogy Log Viewer

Install-Package Analogy.LogViewer.PlainTextParser -Version 6.0.0


Analogy Plain Text Parser

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plain text parser (can be used to read most logs formats)

for example, to parse simple Nlog files with the following line:

2019-11-14 12:32:24.9449|INFO|Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime|Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.|ProcedureManager|16684

2019-11-14 12:32:24.9449|INFO|Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime|Hosting environment: Development|ProcedureManager|16684

  1. open Analogy and go to settings window of the parser: Settings menu --> "Custom Data Provider Settings: --> "plain Text settings": Settings

copy the relevant line, split it (load layout button) and arrange the type to the text: Settings

after saving you can open the log from the "plain text parser tab: loaded log

How To Use

  1. Download the latest Analogy Log Viewer from the release section (.net framework or .net Core version).
  2. Download (or Compile) this project and put the compiled DLL in the same folder as the Analogy Log Viewer.