
Предназначена для доступа к информации о сборке, информации о версии и обновлениях сборки Provides access to assembly information, version information, and assembly updates

Assembly, version, package, data
Install-Package AssemblyDataParser -Version 1.0.1



Пакеты для чтения данных о сборке

Install-PackageAssemblyDataParser -Version 1.0.1

Install-Package AssemblyDataParser.WPF -Version 1.0.1 For WPF with UserControls and Converters

Quick start

For back code.

Use AssemblyParser or AssemblyParser<T>

            //var V = new AssemblyParser(typeof(AssemblyParser));
            var V = new AssemblyParser<AssemblyVersionData>();
            Console.WriteLine("{0,-15} - {1,0}", "Program", V.ParseTitle());
            Console.WriteLine("{0,-15} - {1,0} from {2,0}", "Version", V.ParsePackageVersion(), V.ParseCreationTime());
            Console.WriteLine("{0,-15} - {1,0}", "File version", V.ParseFileVersion());
            Console.WriteLine("{0,-15} - {1,0}", "Project", V.ParseProduct());
            Console.WriteLine("{0,-15} - {1,0}", "Company", V.ParseCompany());
            Console.WriteLine("{0,-15} - {1,0}", "Trademark", V.ParseTrademark());
            Console.WriteLine("{0,-15} - {1,0}", "Copyright", V.ParseCopyright());
            Console.WriteLine("{0,-15} - {1,0}", "Configuration", V.ParseConfiguration());
            Console.WriteLine("{0,-15} - {1,0}", "Description", V.ParseDescription());

You also can use Assembly extensions:


All Extension and methods


Add link


Add converter to Bindings

      <Run Text="Library name" />
      <Run Text=": " />
      <Run Text="{Binding Assembly, Source={x:Type local:App}, Converter={converters:AssemblyTitleConverter}, Mode=OneTime}" />

All Converters

Storing Update Information

Use VersionData class structure to storing update informations

    "VersionNumber": "",
    "Description": [
      "First comment",
      "Second comment"
    "Date" : "11.01.21"
    "VersionNumber": "",
    "Description": [
      "First comment",
      "Second comment"
    "Date" : "09.01.21"

Store information in the AssemblyInfo

WARNING - It's doesn`t support very long text, I don`t recomended use it

if you use Net5 or above, Core, Standard - fill the section in *.csproj

                              "VersionNumber": "",
                              "Description": [
                                          "Change 1",
                                          "Change 2",
                              "VersionNumber": "",
                              "Description": [
                                          "Change 1",
                                          "Change 2",

For NetFramework - fill the section in AssemblyInfo.cs

WARNING - It's doesn`t support very long text, I don`t recomended use it

[assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion(
    + "["
        + "{"
            + "\"VersionNumber\": \"\","
            + "\"Description\": ["
            + "\"Добавлен класс AssemblyParser для получения информации из сборки\","
            + "\"Добавлен класс AssemblyParser для получения информации из сборки\","
            + "\"Добавлен класс AssemblyParser для получения информации из сборки\","
            + "]"
        + "},"
    + "]"

You can also store any information in this section, specify the key, and read the key information in the code, use the character ^ to search for the key Sample:

      ^Easter egg(This is some text)
var data = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(SomeClassInMyLibrary)).ParseLinkerInformationString("Easter egg")
Console.WriteLine(data) //"This is some text"

To display information about assembly updates, retrieve data from the assembly using the - method - ParseLinkerUpdatesData();

Print to console:

using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;

private static void PrintVersionUpdateData(Assembly assembly)
     var data = assembly.ParseLinkerUpdatesData();
     foreach (var d in data)
         foreach (var pair in JObject.FromObject(d))
              Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", pair.Key, pair.Value);

Show in window:


<view:AssemblyUpdateDataView DataContext="{Binding Assembly, Source={x:Type local:App}}"/>


Show Assembly info (you can hide unnecessary fields):


<view:AssemblyDataView DockPanel.Dock="Top" Margin="10,0" TrademarkVisibility="False"/>


You can also store version data in a file or in an embedded resource file and access it:

//Sample 1
var from_embed_resource_file = await Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(Program)).GetDataFromJsonResourceFile<List<AssemblyVersionData>>("Versions.json");
// Sample 2
var from_file = AssemblyVersionData.GetVersionInfoFromFile("Versions.json");

And you can use your personal type with my extensions to get data from file, stream or other embed file resources

public static async Task<T> GetDataFromFileAsync<T>(this string FilePath, JsonSerializerOptions options = null)
public static async Task<T> GetDataFromFileAsync<T>(this FileInfo file, JsonSerializerOptions options = null)
public static async Task<T> GetDataFromStreamAsync<T>(this Stream stream, JsonSerializerOptions options = null)

in WPF you can use converters:

<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Converter={files:AssemblyVersionEmbedResourceConverter FileName=Versions.json }}">

or if you use not embed file:

<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Converter={files:AssemblyVersionFileConverter FileName=Versions.json }}">