The Connection-Based Asynchronous Messaging (CBAM) HTTP package contains API to send HTTP requests from client to server. The HTTP API itself is minimalistic and easy-to-use.

binary, serialization, async, asynchronous, connection, http, client, request, api
Install-Package CBAM.HTTP -Version 0.5.4



Connection-Based Asynchronous Messaging (CBAM) framework provides asynchronous task-based API and implementation for workflow which communicates with remote resources, e.g. SQL, HTTP, LDAP servers, etc.

Main Principles

The CBAM.Abstractions project defines an interface Connection which represents stateful or stateless connection to some kind of remote endpoint, e.g. SQL/HTTP server. The Connection interface allows to prepare a statement for execution: e.g. string containing SQL, an object which contains HTTP request, etc. This prepared statement is exposed as IAsyncEnumerable<T>, which can be asynchronously enumerated using e.g. EnumerateSequentiallyAsync extension method. Each item encountered during enumeration may be e.g. SQL statement execution result (statement execution information, or data row), or HTTP response (with all headers read, but content not read).


With CBAM as common framework, it is possible to interact with remote in various protocols.

HTTP example:

var response = await new SimpleHTTPConfiguration()
  Host = "",
  Port = 443,
  IsSecure = true
}.CreatePoolAndReceiveTextualResponseAsync( HTTPFactory.CreateGETRequest( "/" ) );
// Access content as string
var stringContents = response.TextualContent
// Access headers
var headerDictionary = response.Headers

PostgreSQL example:

// SQL example
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration; // For configuration
using CBAM.SQL.PostgreSQL; // For CBAM PostgreSQL types

var configData = new ConfigurationBuilder() // This line requires reference to Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration NuGet package
  .AddJsonFile( System.IO.Path.GetFullPath( "path/to/config/jsonfile" ) ) // This line requires reference to Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json NuGet package
  .Get<PgSQLConnectionCreationInfoData>(); // This line requires reference to Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder NuGet package

// Create connection pool
Int32[] integers;
using ( var pool = PgSQLConnectionPoolProvider.Factory
  .BindCreationParameters( new PgSQLConnectionCreationInfo( configData ) )
  // Quick example on using connection pool to execute "SELECT 1" statement, and print the result (number "1") to console
  // The prepared statements are also fully supported, but out of scope from this example
  // The code below only requires CBAM.SQL.PostgreSQL project, the CBAM.SQL.PostgreSQL.Implementation is only for access of PgSQLConnectionPoolProvider.Factory
  integers = await pool.UseResourceAsync( async pgConnection =>
     return await pgConnection
        .PrepareStatementForExecution( "SELECT 1" )
        .Select( async row => await row.GetValueAsync<Int32>( 0 ) )
  } );

// Elsewhere, e.g. maybe in a separate background thread/loop:
// This will close all connections that has been idle in a pool for over one minute
await pool.CleanUpAsync( TimeSpan.FromMinutes( 1 ) );

NATS example:

var pool = NATSConnectionPoolProvider.Factory.BindCreationParameters( new NATSConnectionCreationInfo( new NATSConnectionCreationInfoData()
  Connection = new NATSConnectionConfiguration()
    Host = "localhost",
    Port = 4222,
    ConnectionSSLMode = ConnectionSSLMode.NotRequired
} ) ).CreateOneTimeUseResourcePool().WithoutExplicitAPI();

var messageContentsByteArray = await pool.UseResourceAsync( async natsConnection =>
  return await natsConnection.SubscribeAsync( "MySubject" )
    .Select( message => message.CreateDataArray() )
} );

The CBAM.SQL.PostgreSQL.Implementation project allows one to do this:

using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration; // For configuration
using CBAM.SQL.PostgreSQL; // For CBAM PostgreSQL types

var configData = new ConfigurationBuilder() // This line requires reference to Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration NuGet package
  .AddJsonFile( System.IO.Path.GetFullPath( "path/to/config/jsonfile" ) ) // This line requires reference to Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json NuGet package
  .Get<PgSQLConnectionCreationInfoData>(); // This line requires reference to Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder NuGet package

// Create connection pool
(Int32, String)[] results;
using ( var pool = PgSQLConnectionPoolProvider.Factory
  .BindCreationParameters( new PgSQLConnectionCreationInfo( configData ) )
  // Quick example on using connection pool to execute "SELECT 1" statement, and print the result (number "1") to console
  // The prepared statements are also fully supported, but out of scope from this example
  // The code below only requires CBAM.SQL.PostgreSQL project, the CBAM.SQL.PostgreSQL.Implementation is only for access of PgSQLConnectionPoolProvider.Factory
  results = await pool.UseResourceAsync( async pgConnection =>
     return await pgConnection
        .PrepareStatementForExecution( "SELECT 1, 'some_string_value'" )
        .Select( async row => await row.TransformToTuple<Int32, String>( ) )
  } );

// Elsewhere, e.g. maybe in a separate background thread/loop:
// This will close all connections that has been idle in a pool for over one minute
await pool.CleanUpAsync( TimeSpan.FromMinutes( 1 ) );

While the CBAM.HTTP.Implementation project allows one to do this:

using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using UtilPack; // For "CreateRepeater" extension method
using UtilPack.ResourcePooling.NetworkStream; // For NetworkStreamFactory
using CBAM.HTTP; // For HTTP-related

// Store all responses as strings in this simple example
ConcurrentBag<String> responseTexts;
using ( var pool = new NetworkStreamFactory().BindCreationParameters(
    new HTTPConnectionEndPointConfigurationData()
      Host = "",
      IsSecure = true
  ).CreateTimeoutingAndLimitedResourcePool( 10 ) ) // Cache streams and their idle time, and limit maximum concurrent connections to 10
  // Create CBAM HTTP connection
  var httpConnection = pool.CreateNewHTTPConnection();

  // Send 20 requests to "/" in parallel and process each response
  // Note that only 10 connections will be opened, since the pool is limited to 10 concurrent connections
  responseTexts = await httpConnection.PrepareStatementForExecution( 
    HTTPMessageFactory.CreateGETRequest( "/" ).CreateRepeater( 20 ) // Repeat same request 20 times
    ).ToConcurrentBagAsync( async response =>
      // Read whole response content into byte array and get string from it (assume UTF-8 encoding for this simple example)
      return Encoding.UTF8.GetString( await response.Content.ReadAllContentIfKnownSizeAsync() );
    } );

// Now the responseTexts bag will contain 20 response texts.


Currently there are 14 projects, and only SQL version of CBAM.Abstractions project exists. The most interesting projects, from end-user point of view, are most likely CBAM.SQL.PostgreSQL.Implementation, CBAM.SQL.MSBuild, and CBAM.HTTP.Implementation.


This project contains concrete implementation of various CBAM APIs and abstractions, so that the user can establish connections to PostgreSQL backend and execute SQL statements.



This project contains a task which can be used to execute SQL statements from files against the database.



This project contains PostgreSQL-specific API, such as notifications and DB type system, by specializing and extending the interfaces of CBAM.SQL.



This project provides natural support for json and jsonb PostgreSQL types.



This project contains SQL-related API that is common for all RDBMS vendors, by specializing and augmenting the interfaces of CBAM.Abstractions.



This project provides interfaces and abstractions which are common for all connection-based async messaging, such as interacting with SQL database or LDAP server.



This project has skeleton implementations for interfaces in CBAM.Abstractions project.



This project extends the data column class in UtilPack.TabularData to use the connection implementation class in CBAM.Abstractions.Implementation project.



This project provides skeleton implementations for interfaces in CBAM.SQL and uses the skeleton implementations provided in CBAM.Tabular.Implementation.



This project provides API for HTTP-oriented Connection from CBAM.Abstractions, along with minimalistic HTTP API.



This project provides implementation for CBAM types in CBAM.HTTP, along with factory extension method to create HTTP CBAM connections.



CBAM projects aim to be as portable as possible. The CBAM.SQL.MSBuild project targets .NET Standard 1.3, while the other projects target .NET Standard 1.0 and .NET 4.0 as their most portable target frameworks.



This test suite project for CBAM.SQL.PostgreSQL.* projects contains various unit tests using MSTest v2.



Once PostgreSQL stuff works good and solid, add CBAM.LDAP.* projects in order to provide async API for LDAP connections.