Using Statements
using Chase.FFmpeg.Converters;
using Chase.FFmpeg.Info;
using Chase.FFmpeg.Events;
using Chase.FFmpeg;
Create media info object
FFMediaInfo info = new FFMediaInfo("/path/to/media.mkv");
Create Muxed converter
FFMuxedConverter converter = FFMuxedConverter.SetMedia(info)
Muxed converter options
Changes the video codec
Changes the video bitrate
Changes the audio codec
Changes the audio bitrate
Changes the hardware acceleration method
Changes the pixel format of the video
Changes the width and height of the video stream
.ChangeResolution(800, 600)
Changes the width of the video while maintaining aspect ratio
Changes the height of the video while maintaining aspect ratio
The position that the video starts at
Changes the duration of the video
Overwrites output file if one exists
/// The console output of ffmpeg
DataReceivedEventHandler? data_handler = (object s, DataReceivedEventArgs e) => { };
/// Runs when ffmpeg exists
EventHandler exited = (object sender, EventArgs e) => { };
/// Returns ffmpeg update values
EventHandler<FFProcessUpdateEventArgs> updated = (object sender, FFProcessUpdateEventArgs e) =>
/// The bitrate that the video is being processed at
float bitrate = e.AverageBitrate;
/// The number of frames already processed
uint frames = e.FramesProcessed;
/// The percentage of the video has been processed
float percentage = e.Percentage;
/// The speed that the video is processing at
float speed = e.Speed;
Converts the current Muxed Converter
.Convert("/path/to/output.mkv", data_handler, exited, updated);
Builds a ffmpeg argument string
string argument = FFMuxedConverter
.ChangeResolution(800, 600)
FFProcessHandler.ExecuteFFmpeg(argument, data_handler, exited, updated);
This downloads the ffmpeg library.
Using Statement
using Chase.FFmpeg.Downloader;
Download Latest Version
/// Downloads the latest version of FFmpeg
FFmpegDownloader.Instance.GetLatest("/path/to/ffmpeg").Wait(); // Async Process
Location of the FFmpeg and FFProbe executable files
/// Path to ffmpeg executable
string ffmpeg = FFmpegDownloader.Instance.FFmpegExecutable; // path/to/ffmpeg/ffmpeg.exe
/// Path to ffprobe executable
string ffprobe = FFmpegDownloader.Instance.FFprobeExecutable; // path/to/ffmpeg/ffprobe.exe
The installed version of ffmpeg library
/// The installed ffmpeg version
string version = FFmpegDownloader.Instance.FFmpegVersion; // 4.0.1
using Chase.FFmpeg.Extras;
Gets all files with video extension in specified directory
/// <param name="path">The starting path</param>
/// <param name="recursive">If the search should look through all subdirectories</param>
FFVideoUtility.GetFiles("path/to/files", true)
An array of all video file extensions
Video Extensions array
Checks if file has a extension matching theFFVideoUtility.HasVideoExtension("/path/to/video.mkv")
Gets all files with audio extension in specified directory
/// <param name="path">The starting path</param>
/// <param name="recursive">If the search should look through all subdirectories</param>
FFAudioUtility.GetFiles("path/to/files", true)
An array of all audio file extensions
Audio Extensions array
Checks if file has a extension matching theFFAudioUtility.HasAudioExtension("/path/to/audio.mp3")
Gets all files with images extension in specified directory
/// <param name="path">The starting path</param>
/// <param name="recursive">If the search should look through all subdirectories</param>
FFImagesUtility.GetFiles("path/to/files", true)
An array of all images file extensions
Images Extensions array
Checks if file has a extension matching theFFImagesUtility.HasImagesExtension("/path/to/images.mp3")