
Package Description

csharp, library, productivity
Install-Package Cratis.Fundamentals -Version 6.3.1



Packages / Deployables

Nuget NPM


.NET Build JavaScript Build Documentation site


The Cratis fundamentals holds generic reusable helpers, utilities and tools that aims at solving common problems and help developers be more productive. Fundamentals offers functionality for .NET and JavaScript environments. It is not a goal to have parity, as the different environments offer different building blocks.

You should look at it as a convenience layer on top of the existing base environment you're running in.

Read more about how to use it in our documentation.


If you want to jump into building this repository and possibly contributing, please refer to contributing.


The following are prerequisites to work with this repository.

Central Package Management

This repository leverages Central Package Management, which means that all package versions are managed from a file at the root level called Directory.Packages.props.

In addition there are also Directory.Build.props files for setting up common settings that are applied cross cuttingly.

Root package.json

The package.json found at the root level defines all the workspaces. It is assumed

All developer dependencies are defined in the top level package.json. The reason for this is to be able to provide global scripts for every package to use for easier maintenance.

The package.json found at the top level contains scripts that can then be used in a child project for this to work properly.

In a package, all you need to do is to define the scripts to use the global scripts in the `package.json´ of that project:

    "scripts": {
        "prepublish": "yarn g:build",
        "clean": "yarn g:clean",
        "build": "yarn g:build",
        "lint": "yarn g:lint",
        "lint:ci": "yarn g:lint:ci",
        "test": "yarn g:test",
        "ci": "yarn g:ci",
        "up": "yarn g:up"