
Automatically creates a NuGet package from your project each time it builds. The NuGet package is placed in the project's output directory. If you want to use a .nuspec file, place it in the same directory as the project's project file (e.g. .csproj, .vbproj, .fsproj). This adds a PostBuildScripts folder to your project to house the PowerShell script that is called from the project's Post-Build event to create the NuGet package. If it does not seem to be working, check the Visual Studio Output window for any errors that may have occurred.

.nupkg, After, Auto, Automatic, Automatically, Build, Create, Each, From, New, New-NuGetPackage, NewNuGetPackage, NuGet, On, Pack, Package, Power, PowerShell, Project, Shell
Install-Package CreateNewNuGetPackageFromProjectAfterEachBuild -Version 1.8.1-Prerelease3


New-NuGetPackage PowerShell Script Description

New-NuGetPackage.ps1 is a PowerShell script to make creating and publishing NuGet packages quick and easy, using a .nuspec or project file, from Explorer or PS.

This script is also used by a NuGet Package that you can use to automate making your project's NuGet packages in Visual Studio.

This script depends on nuget.exe, and it is recommended that you add nuget to your PATH.


  • The script uses nuget.exe to pack a .nuspec or project file (.csproj, .vbproj, .fsproj) and optionally push it to a NuGet gallery.
  • Can be ran from PowerShell or directly from Windows Explorer (e.g. double-click it, or right-click -> Run with PowerShell).
  • If no parameters are provided the user will be prompted for:
    • the .nuspec or project file to pack, or package to push (if one can't be found automatically)
    • the version number and release notes to use for the package (if a .nuspec file is used)
    • whether the package should be pushed to a NuGet gallery or not.
  • Parameters may be provided to supply these values and/or suppress the prompts, so it can be integrated into your build system.

The script provides parameters for the Pack and Push Options, which will be passed as-is to nuget.exe, allowing for all of the same functionality as calling nuget.exe directly yourself.

Getting Started Quickly

Here are a couple examples of how to run the script from PowerShell to have the GUI prompt you for the required parameters:

& .\New-NuGetPackage.ps1    # Can use relative path when in same directory as the script.
& "C:\Some Folder\New-NuGetPackage.ps1"   # Use absolute path to run script from anywhere.

Below are some examples of calling the script with parameters to avoid the GUI prompts. For more information on the script and its parameters, check out the documentation.

& ".\New-NuGetPackage.ps1" -NuSpecFilePath ".\Some Folder\SomeNuSpecFile.nuspec"
& .\New-NuGetPackage.ps1 -ProjectFilePath "C:\Some Folder\TestProject.csproj" -VersionNumber "1.1" -ReleaseNotes "Version 1.1 contains many bug fixes."
& .\New-NuGetPackage.ps1 -ProjectFilePath "C:\Some Folder\TestProject.csproj" -PackOptions "-Build -OutputDirectory ""C:\Output""" -UsePowerShellPrompts
& .\New-NuGetPackage.ps1 -NuSpecFilePath "C:\Some Folder\SomeNuSpecFile.nuspec" -NoPrompt
& .\New-NuGetPackage.ps1 -NuSpecFilePath ".\Some Folder\SomeNuSpecFile.nuspec" -VersionNumber "" -DoNotUpdateNuSpecFile
& .\New-NuGetPackage.ps1 -PushPackageToNuGetGallery -PushOptions "-Source """" -ApiKey ""EAE1E980-5ECB-4453-9623-F0A0250E3A57"""
& .\New-NuGetPackage.ps1 -NuGetExecutableFilePath "C:\Utils\NuGet.exe"
& .\New-NuGetPackage.ps1 -PackageFilePath "C:\Some Folder\MyPackage.nupkg"