
Package Description

Install-Package EasyBuild.Tools -Version 4.1.0




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Tool for generating changelog based on Git history based on Conventional Commits. It is using EasyBuild.CommitParser to parse commit messages check their documentation for more information about configuration.



dotnet add package EasyBuild.Tools



Changelog.tryFindLastVersion - Try to find the last version in a changelog file

(changelogFile: FileInfo)

snippet source | anchor

Changelog.findLastVersion - Find the last version in a changelog file or throw an error if not found

(changelogFile: FileInfo)

snippet source | anchor


ChangelogGen.run - generate changelog using EasyBuild.ChangelogGen

    changelogFile: string,
    ?allowDirty: bool,
    ?allowBranch: string list,
    ?tagFilter: string list,
    ?preRelease: string,
    ?config: string,
    ?forceVersion: string,
    ?skipInvalidCommit: bool,
    ?dryRun: bool,
    ?githubRepo: string,
    ?workingDirectory: string,
    ?forwardArguments: string list
: string

snippet source | anchor


open EasyBuild.Tools.ChangelogGen

let newVersion = ChangelogGen.run "CHANGELOG.md"
ChangelogGen.tryRun - generate changelog using EasyBuild.ChangelogGen

    changelogFile: string,
    ?allowDirty: bool,
    ?allowBranch: string list,
    ?tagFilter: string list,
    ?preRelease: string,
    ?config: string,
    ?forceVersion: string,
    ?skipInvalidCommit: bool,
    ?dryRun: bool,
    ?githubRepo: string,
    ?workingDirectory: string,
    ?forwardArguments: string list
: ChangelogGenResult

snippet source | anchor


open EasyBuild.Tools.ChangelogGen

match ChangelogGen.tryRun "CHANGELOG.md" with
| ChangelogGenResult.NoVersionBump ->
    printfn "Nothing to deploy"
| ChangelogGenResult.Error error ->
    failwithf "Error while generating changelog:\n%s" error
| ChangelogGenResult.NewVersion newVersion ->
    // Continue release process


DotNet.pack - create a NuGet package

(?workingDirectory : string, ?projectFile: FileInfo, ?configuration: Configuration)
: FileInfo

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open EasyBuild.Tools.DotNet

let nupkgFile = DotNet.pack()
DotNet.nugetPush - push a NuGet package to a NuGet server

    nupkgPath: FileInfo,
    ?forceEnglishOutput: bool,
    ?source: string,
    ?symbolSource: string,
    ?timeout: int,
    ?apiKey: string,
    ?symbolApiKey: string,
    ?disableBuffering: bool,
    ?noSymbols: bool,
    ?interactive: bool,
    ?skipDuplicate: bool,
    ?forceEcho: bool

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If apiKey is not provided, NUGET_KEY environment variable will be used.

If symbolApiKey is not provided, NUGET_SYMBOL_KEY environment variable will be used.

generate changelog using EasyBuild.ChangelogGen


Fable.build - run Fable compiler in build mode

    ?projFileOrDir: string,
    ?outDir: string,
    ?extension: string,
    ?sourceMaps: bool,
    ?sourceMapsRoot: string,
    ?define: string list,
    ?configuration: string,
    ?verbose: bool,
    ?silent: bool,
    ?typedArrays: bool,
    ?run: string,
    ?runFast: string,
    ?runScript: bool,
    ?noRestore: bool,
    ?noCache: bool,
    ?exclude: string list,
    ?lang: Fable.Lang,
    ?workingDirectory: string
: unit

snippet source | anchor

Fable.watch - run Fable compiler in watch mode

    ?projFileOrDir: string,
    ?outDir: string,
    ?extension: string,
    ?sourceMaps: bool,
    ?sourceMapsRoot: string,
    ?define: string list,
    ?configuration: string,
    ?verbose: bool,
    ?silent: bool,
    ?typedArrays: bool,
    ?run: string,
    ?runFast: string,
    ?runScript: bool,
    ?runWatch: string,
    ?noRestore: bool,
    ?noCache: bool,
    ?exclude: string list,
    ?lang: Fable.Lang,
    ?workingDirectory: string
: Task

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FableCssModules.runAsync - run fable-css-modules in async mode

(?outFile: string, ?``internal``: bool, ?camelCase: bool, ?workingDirectory: string)
: Task

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FableCssModules.run - run fable-css-modules

(?outFile: string, ?``internal``: bool, ?camelCase: bool, ?workingDirectory: string)
: unit

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Git.addAll - add all files to staging area


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Git.commitRelease - commit staged files with release message using conventional commit

(newVersion: string)

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Git.push - push to the remote repository

(?force: bool)

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Nodemon.runAsync - run nodemon in async mode

    // Configuration
    ?config: string,
    ?exitCrash: bool,
    ?ignore: string list,
    ?noColors: bool,
    ?signal: string,
    ?watch: string list,
    ?noUpdateNotifier: bool,
    // Execution
    ?onChangeOnly: bool,
    ?cwd: string,
    ?extensions: string,
    ?noStdin: bool,
    ?spawn: bool,
    ?exec: string,
    ?yourArgs: string,
    // Watching
    ?delay: string,
    ?legacyWatch: bool,
    ?pollingInterval: int,
    // Information
    ?dump: bool,
    ?verbose: bool,
    ?workingDirectory: string
: Task

snippet source | anchor

Nodemon.run - run nodemon

    // Configuration
    ?config: string,
    ?exitCrash: bool,
    ?ignore: string list,
    ?noColors: bool,
    ?signal: string,
    ?watch: string list,
    ?noUpdateNotifier: bool,
    // Execution
    ?onChangeOnly: bool,
    ?cwd: string,
    ?extensions: string,
    ?noStdin: bool,
    ?spawn: bool,
    ?exec: string,
    ?yourArgs: string,
    // Watching
    ?delay: string,
    ?legacyWatch: bool,
    ?pollingInterval: int,
    // Information
    ?dump: bool,
    ?verbose: bool,
    ?workingDirectory: string
: unit

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Npm.publish - publish a package to the npm registry

(projectDir: string, ?tag: string, ?isRestricted: bool)

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Npm.install - install npm packages

(?workingDirectory: string)

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PackageJson.replaceVersion - replace the version in a package.json file

(file: FileInfo, newVersion: string)

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open EasyBuild.Tools.PackageJson

let packageJsonFile = FileInfo "package.json"
PackageJson.replaceVersion packageJsonFile "1.0.0"
PackageJson.getName - replace the version in a package.json file

(file: FileInfo)

snippet source | anchor


open EasyBuild.Tools.PackageJson

let packageJsonFile = FileInfo "package.json"
let packageName = PackageJson.getName packageJsonFile
PackageJson.getVersion - replace the version in a package.json file

(file: FileInfo)

snippet source | anchor


open EasyBuild.Tools.PackageJson

let packageJsonFile = FileInfo "package.json"
let packageVersion = PackageJson.getVersion packageJsonFile
PackageJson.needPublishing - check if a package needs to be published

(packageJson: FileInfo)
: bool

snippet source | anchor


open EasyBuild.Tools.PackageJson

let packageJsonFile = FileInfo "package.json"

if PackageJson.needPublishing packageJsonFile then
    // Do something


Vercel.pull - Pull latest environment variables and project settings from Vercel

    ?environment: string,
    ?gitBranch: string,
    ?yes: bool,
    ?debug: bool,
    ?globalConfig: string,
    ?localConfig: string,
    ?noColor: bool,
    ?scope: string,
    ?token: string,
    ?workingDirectory: string

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Vercel.build - build the project

    ?output: string,
    ?prod: bool,
    ?yes: bool,
    ?debug: bool,
    ?globalConfig: string,
    ?localConfig: string,
    ?noColor: bool,
    ?scope: string,
    ?token: string,
    ?workingDirectory: string

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Vercel.deploy - deploy your project to Vercel

    ?archive: string,
    ?buildEnv: string,
    ?env: string,
    ?force: bool,
    ?meta: string,
    ?noWait: bool,
    ?prebuilt: bool,
    ?prod: bool,
    ?``public``: bool,
    ?regions: string list,
    ?skipDomain: bool,
    ?withCache: bool,
    ?yes: bool,
    ?debug: bool,
    ?globalConfig: string,
    ?localConfig: string,
    ?noColor: bool,
    ?scope: string,
    ?token: string,
    ?workingDirectory: string

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Vite.build - build for production

    ?target: string,
    ?outDir: string,
    ?assetsDir: string,
    ?assetsInlineLimit: int,
    ?ssr: string,
    ?sourcemap: Vite.Build.SourceMap,
    ?minify: Vite.Build.Minifier,
    ?manifest: Vite.Build.Manifest,
    ?ssrManifest: Vite.Build.SSRManifest,
    ?emptyOutDir: bool,
    ?watch: bool,
    ?config: string,
    ?``base``: string,
    ?logLevel: Vite.Build.LogLevel,
    ?clearScreen: bool,
    ?debug: Vite.Build.Debug,
    ?filter: string,
    ?mode: string,
    ?workingDirectory: string

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Vite.watch - start development server

    ?host: string,
    ?port: int,
    ?``open``: Vite.Watch.Open,
    ?cors: bool,
    ?strictPort: bool,
    ?force: bool,
    ?config: string,
    ?``base``: string,
    ?logLevel: Vite.Watch.LogLevel,
    ?clearScreen: bool,
    ?debug: Vite.Watch.Debug,
    ?filter: string,
    ?mode: string,
    ?workingDirectory: string
: Task

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