Extensification is an extension pack to .NET Framework that extends your ability to use more functions on strings, integers, and objects. Initially, it started with the string, integer, double, long, dictionary, array, arraylist, and list extensions, and inherited from Kernel Simulator. Over time, it grows with support for more objects. This package is for extensions for external libraries.

extension, extensions, methods, c-sharp, dotnet, extension-methods, library, visual-basic
Install-Package Extensification.External -Version 2021.3.0



GitHub repo size GitHub All Releases GitHub release (latest by date including pre-releases) Nuget (with prereleases)

Extensification is the group of extensions that improve your experience of programming for .NET Core and .NET Framework applications.

Build Status

Here are all the CI build status for all Extensification branches.

Branch AppVeyor Travis CI
master Build status Build Status
v2021.5.x-servicing Build status Build Status
v2021.4.x-servicing Build status Build Status
v2021.3.x-servicing Build status Build Status
v2021.2.x-servicing Build status Build Status
v2021.1.x-servicing Build status Build Status
v2021.0.x-servicing Build status Build Status
v2020.2.x-servicing Build status Build Status
v2020.1.x-servicing Build status Build Status
v2020.0.x-servicing Build status Build Status

System Requirements

To run any project that use this library, we recommend that you have:

Windows systems

  1. Windows 7 or later (Windows 10 recommended)
  2. .NET Framework 4.5 or later, or .NET Core 2.1 or 3.1, or .NET 5.0
  • If your app uses Extensification, uses x86, and uses one of .NET Core 2.1, 3.1, or .NET 5.0, at least a 2.00 GHz processor with SSE2 is required.

Linux systems

  1. Mono 5.10 or higher (6.0 or higher is recommended) or dotnet with .NET Core 2.1 or 3.1 or .NET 5.0

How to install

This section covers how to install Extensification on your project. Please scroll down to your system below.

Windows systems (Recommended)

  1. Open Visual Studio to any project, and open the NuGet package manager
  2. Search for Extensification and install it there

Windows systems (Alternative)

  1. Download the Extensification library files here.
  2. Unzip the file to any directory
  3. Open Visual Studio to any project, and add a reference to Extensification

How to Build

This section covers how to build Extensification on your system. Please scroll down to your platform below.

Visual Studio 2019 16.8+

  1. Open Visual Studio
  2. Press Clone a repository
  3. In Repository Location, enter https://github.com/Aptivi/Extensification.git
  4. Wait until it clones. It might take a few minutes depending on your Internet connection.
  5. Press Solution Explorer, then press Switch Views
  6. Click on Extensification.sln
  7. Press Start or press Build > Build Solution

JetBrains Rider (64-bit)

  1. Install Mono Runtime, Git, and libmono-microsoft-visualbasic10.0-cil.
  2. Install JetBrains Rider.
  3. After installation, open JetBrains Rider, and follow the configuration steps.
  4. When the main menu opens, choose Check out from Version Control and then Git.
  5. Write on the URL https://github.com/Aptivi/Extensification.git and press Test to verify your connectivity.
  6. Press Clone, and git will download the repo, then Rider will open up. It might take a few minutes depending on your Internet connection.
  7. Click on the hammer button to build.


  1. Install Mono Runtime, libmono-microsoft-visualbasic10.0-cil, and MonoDevelop.
  2. After installation, extract the source code, open MonoDevelop, and click on Open...
  3. Click on the Build menu bar, and click on build button to compile.


Aptivi: Owner of Extensification

Open Source Libraries

Below entries are the open source libraries that is used by Extensification. They are required for execution.


Source code: https://github.com/JamesNK/Newtonsoft.Json

Copyright (c) 2007, James Newton-King

License (MIT): https://github.com/JamesNK/Newtonsoft.Json/blob/master/LICENSE.md


Extensification - Extends your .NET methods
Copyright (C) 2020-2021  Aptivi

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.