
Fable bindings for downshift.

f#, fable, bindings, fable-bindings
Install-Package Fable.Import.Downshift -Version 1.1.1



This package provides Fable bindings for downshift.


  • Install the downshift npm package:

    • using npm: npm install downshift
    • using yarn: yarn add downshift
  • Install the bindings:

    • using dotnet: dotnet add package Fable.Import.Downshift
    • using paket: paket add Fable.Import.Downshift


Familiarity with downshift’s native JS API and how downshift works is assumed. Fable.Import.Downshift simply provide a Fable-React idiomatic API with most props as DU cases.

As you might expect from downshift’s native API, the downshift helper component does not accept a list of children, but a function that receives the downshift state/helpers and returns a React component.

The downshift prop getters are functions #seq<IHTMLProp> -> seq<IHTMLProp> where the input props are passed to the respective prop getter. (The only exception is getItemProps, which also takes 'Item as its first parameter since it’s a required prop.)

Below is the downshift readme example converted to F#:

open Fable.Helpers.React
open Fable.Helpers.React.Props
open Fable.Import
open Fable.Import.Downshift

type Item = { Value: string }

let items = 
  [ { Value = "apple" }
    { Value = "pear" }
    { Value = "orange" }
    { Value = "grape" }
    { Value = "banana" } ]

let view =
  downshift [
    OnChange (fun item _ -> Browser.window.alert(sprintf "You selected %s" item.Value))
    ItemToString (function Some item -> item.Value | None -> "")
  ] (fun ds ->
    div [] [
      label (ds.getLabelProps []) [ str "Enter a fruit" ]
      input (ds.getInputProps [])
      ul (ds.getMenuProps []) [
        if ds.isOpen then
            |> List.filter (fun item -> item.Value.Contains ds.inputValue)
            |> List.mapi (fun index item ->
                li (ds.getItemProps item [
                  Key item.Value
                  Index index
                  Style [
                      (if ds.highlightedIndex = Some index then "lightgray" else "white")
                    FontWeight (if ds.selectedItem = Some item then "bold" else "normal")
                ]) [
                  str item.Value
            |> ofList

Props specific to downshift

  • The DU type DownshiftProps contains props you can pass to the downshift helper.
  • The DU types GetInputPropsOptions, GetItemPropsOptions, etc. contains props you can pass to the respective prop getters.
    • Note that GetItemPropsOptions does not contain an Item case; as mentioned previously, since this is a required prop, it’s passed as the first argument to getItemProps.
  • The special SuppressRefError prop is available in the DU type GetPropsCommonOptions. You pass this as a normal prop alongside others, and the binding internals takes care of passing that prop as a separate object as required by the downshift API.


1.1.1 (2019-07-25)

  • Added femto support

1.1.0 (2019-05-02)

  • Updated for Fable.Core 3, Fable.React 5 and downshift 3.2

1.0.0 (2019-01-12)

  • Initial release

Deployment checklist

  1. Make necessary changes to the code
  2. Update the changelog
  3. Update the version and release notes in the package info
  4. Update the supported npm dependency versions for femto in the fsproj
  5. Commit and tag the commit (this is what triggers deployment from AppVeyor). For consistency, the tag should ideally be in the format v1.2.3.
  6. Push the changes and the tag to the repo. If AppVeyor build succeeds, the package is automatically published to NuGet.