FastReport .NET is a full-featured reporting library for .NET, .NET Core, Blazor, ASP.NET, MVC, and Windows Forms. It can be used in Microsoft Visual Studio and JetBrains Rider. With FastReport .NET, you can create application-independent .NET reports. In other words, FastReport .NET can be used as a standalone reporting tool. - Includes powerful visual report designer for creating and modifying the reports. Your application can run the designer from the code. - Includes online report designer for ASP.NET (only in Enterprise edition). - Connect to any database, use any of its tables or create queries. - Add dialogue form(s) to your report to prompt for parameters before running a report. - Using built-in script you can manage the interactions with dialogue form controls and perform complex data handling. - Finally, view the result and print or export it to many common document formats. The full version of the package is available in FastReport .NET at

docx, html, mvc, pdf, reporting, reports, xlsx
Install-Package FastReport.Net.Demo -Version 2024.2.9