
Package Description

XLS, Excel, import, export, netcore
Install-Package Firefly.SimpleXls -Version 1.0.2


XLS Exporting for .NET Core

A Firefly.Net package

NuGet NuGet license

using Firefly.SimpleXls;

public void ExportToXLS(List<Orders> orders)


  • Comprehensive .NET API for simple XLS data exports
  • Allows multiple sheets in one document
  • Allows creating custom data converters
  • Output to file / stream
  • Localization & Translation
  • Cached type reflection
  • Experimental XLS import feature
  • Works on .NET Core 1.1 or higher

Table of contents



bash$ dotnet add package Firefly.SimpleXLS


PM> Install-Package Firefly.SimpleXLS


  • Netstandard >= 1.6
  • EPPlus.Core >= 1.5.2

The export

  • To a file by string path
  • To a file handle (FileInfo)
  • To a Stream
public void SaveXls(List<XlsOrderViewModel> orders)


    var file = new FileInfo("path/to/eshop_orders.xlsx");

    using (var stream = new MemoryStream())

        // do something with the stream

Export settings

Use a SheetExportSettings action for more detailed configuration.

public void SaveXls(List<XlsOrderViewModel> orders)
        settings => {
            settings.OmitEmptyColumns = true,                   // Default true; Colums with no values will be omitted
            settings.SheetName = "My customized sheet name",    // Default model name; Human-friendly name of the sheet
            settings.UseCulture = new CultureInfo("cs-CZ"),     // Default CurrentCulture; Spefific culture for converters and localization.
            settings.Localizer = MyStringLocalizer,             // Default null; Provide an ILocalizer if you want to translate sheet data
            settings.Translate = true                           // Default true; Translates headers with Localizer, if present

The model

Create a view model describing the data you want to export. Each property represents one column in the exported document.

public class XlsOrderViewModel
    public string Code { get; set; }
    public string ArticleName { get; set; }
    public decimal Price { get; set; }
    public DateTime CreateAt { get; set; }

Hint: For quick mapping between your original entities and XLS view you can use ie. the Automapper

Basic model attributes

[XlsSheet(Name = "My exported orders")]     // Custom sheet name
public class XlsOrderViewModel
    [XlsHeader(Name = "Eshop order code")]  // Custom header name
    public string Code { get; set; }

    public string ArticleName { get; set; }
    public decimal Price { get; set; }
    public string CategoryName { get; set; }
    public DateTime CreateAt { get; set; }

    [XlsIgnore]                              // This column will not be exported 
    public Guid SomeExternalId { get; set; }

Data types

Supported primitive types:

  • string
  • char
  • int
  • float
  • decimal
  • long
  • boolean
  • etc...

Supported complex types:

  • DateTime
  • TimeSpan
  • Enum
  • Tuple of primitives
  • Some other objects that can be natively represented by .ToString(), like Guid, Point, etc...

Localization & Transalation

Sheet name, column headers and custom values can be localized and translated.


  • CultureInfo.CurrentCulture is taken into account by default.
  • For using custom culture, provide settings.UseCulture when initiating export.

Note about data type Localization

Only DateTime and TimeSpan values are localized to the specified Culture. If you want to auto-localize other types, you may implement own IValueConverter. Localizing other types like int : 1000.123 => 1,000.123 is not recommended since Excel handles these datatypes by its own.

public void CreateExport(List<Order> orders, IStringLocalizer<MyDictionary> myLocalizer)
        settings => {
            settings.UseCulture = new CultureInfo("cs-CZ")     // Default CurrentCulture; Spefific culture for converters and localization.


  • The sheet is not translated by default until you provide an IStringLocalizer when initiating import in settings.Localizer.
  • If settings.Localizer is provided, all fields including the sheet name are translated by key which is equal as field name.
  • Table cells are not translated even if Localizer is present. Use XlsTranslate attribute on the column instead.
  • Automatic translation can be turned off setting settings.Translate to FALSE.
public void CreateExport(List<Order> orders, IStringLocalizer<MyDictionary> myLocalizer)
        settings => {
            settings.Localizer = myLocalizer,                  // Default null; Provide an ILocalizer if you want to translate sheet data
            settings.UseCulture = new CultureInfo("cs-CZ")     // Default CurrentCulture;
[XlsSheet(Name = "OrderSheetName", DictionaryPrefix="my.dictionary.section.")]
public class XlsOrderViewModel
    public string Code { get; set; }

    public string ArticleName { get; set; }
    public decimal Price { get; set; }

    [XlsTranslate(DictPrefix = "eshop.categories.")]    // Custom value translation
    public string CategoryName { get; set; }

    [XlsHeader(Name = "AlternativeHeader")]             // Renaming the header key
    public DateTime CreatedAt { get; set; }

    public Guid SomeExternalId { get; set; }
  • If DictionaryPrefix is set, all fields (including sheet name) will be referenced as my.dictionary.section.<colName>, eg.:
    • my.dictionary.section.Code.
    • my.dictionary.section.OrderSheetName.
    • my.dictionary.section.AlternativeHeader.
  • DictionaryPrefix does not affect the XlsTranslate fields.

Custom type mapping

You can add any custom or existing type converter with global scope.

1. Let's have a custom model:

public class Driver 
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Phone { get; set; }

2. Create a converter:

public class DriverValueConverter : IValueConverter
        public object Write(object item, Type itemType, CultureInfo culture = null)
                var driver = (Driver)item;
                return driver.Name + " / " + driver.Phone;

            throw new ArgumentException("Cannot parse driver for some reason.");

        public object Read(object item)
            var str = (string)item;
            var parts = str.Split('/');
            if (parts.Length != 2){
                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot parse driver.", nameof(item));

            return new Driver {
                Name = parts[0].Trim(),
                Phone = parts[1].Trim()

            // ToDo better error handling ;)

3. Register your converter once:

public void main()
    XlsConverters.UseConverter(typeof(Driver), new DriverValueConverter());

The import

Import is an experimental feature. You can basically import only files with known structure.

public void LoadXls()
    var orders = Importer.Open("eshop_orders.xlsx")
            1,                                  // Index of the sheet based on 1. Optional.
            settings => {
                settings.BreakOnError = true    // Throws exception if some value fails to load,
                settings.HasHeader = true       // If the table has a header to be taken in account

... or you can import it as RawTable (basically a List of object[] for each row).

public void LoadXls()
    var orders = Importer.Open("eshop_orders.xlsx")
            1,                                  // Index of the sheet based on 1. Optional.
            settings => {
                settings.BreakOnError = true    // Throws exception if some value fails to load,
                settings.HasHeader = true       // If the table has a header to be taken in account