Flexerant.MongoMigration is a .NET utility for migrating MongoDB databases and schemas, based on the MongoDB .NET driver. Unlike other migration implementations, this library only offers forward-only migrations: the rationale being that all database changes should be auditable and forward-only migrations ensure that every change is tracked. To revert back to a previous state, simply write a migration that undoes the previous one(s). With this library, migrations occur during startup and support dependency injection.

Install-Package Flexerant.MongoMigration -Version 2.0.0




Flexerant.MongoMigration is a .NET utility for migrating MongoDB databases and schemas, based on the MongoDB .NET driver. Unlike other migration implementations, this library offers forward-only migrations: the rationale being that all database changes should be auditable and forward-only migrations ensure that every change is tracked. To revert back to a previous state, simply write a migration that undoes the previous one(s). With this library, migrations occur during startup and supports dependency injection.


This project was born out of a need to automate MongoDB migrations when deployed. Simplicity and ease of use were key.


Intall from nuget.

PM> Install-Package Flexerant.MongoMigration


First, start by adding AddMongoMigrations extension method to the IServiceCollection object;

public class Startup
    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

        services.AddMongoMigrations(options =>
            IMongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient(this.Configuration["MongoDB:ConnectionString"]);

            options.MongoDatabase = mongoClient.GetDatabase(this.Configuration["MongoDB:Database"]);


The AddMongoMigrations extension method takes an optional MigrationOptions delegate.

Property Description
Assemblies An optional collection of assemblies containing migrations. By default the calling assembly is added to the collection.
MongoDatabase An optional database to use for the migrations. By default the injected IMongoDatabase service is used.

Secondly, add the UseMongoMigrations extension method to the IApplicationBuilder object.

public class Startup
    public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)



That's it! Migrations will automatically be executed on start up.


Each migration inherits Flexerant.MongoMigration.Migration. The migration number is controlled by the [Migration] attribute. Dependency injection is supported so dependencies can be accessed as part of the migration process.

Two abstract methods must be implemented, Migrate and MigrateAsTransaction. Migrate simply runs the migration without rollback on failure whereas MigrateAsTransaction uses transactions to roll back on failure. Both methods are executed so only one needs to be implemented. In most cases MigrateAsTransaction is the best choice, especially when debugging, however, some implementations of IMongoDatabase do not support transactions and therefore Migrate can be used.

public class Migration_001 : Migration
    public override string Description => "Create student";

    public override void Migrate(IMongoDatabase database) { }

    public override void MigrateAsTransaction(IMongoDatabase database, IClientSessionHandle session)
        database.CreateCollection(session, "Students");
        var students = database.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("Students");


        var document = new BsonDocument { { "student_id", 10000 },
                new BsonArray {
                    new BsonDocument { { "type", "exam" }, { "score", 88.12334193287023 } },
                    new BsonDocument { { "type", "quiz" }, { "score", 74.92381029342834 } },
                    new BsonDocument { { "type", "homework" }, { "score", 89.97929384290324 } },
                    new BsonDocument { { "type", "homework" }, { "score", 82.12931030513218 } }
            }, { "class_id", 480 }

        students.InsertOne(session, document);

Both methods provides access to the IMongoDatabase object and therefore any operation supported by IMongoDatabase is possible. The IClientSessionHandle object can be used to manage transactions as shown in the example.

