A tool for converting images into formats compatible with TIC-80, the fantasy computer. This tool converts images into LUA code or text that can be pasted directly into the TIC-80 sprite editor. It also supports exporting PNG images with the TIC-80 palette.
- SixLabors.ImageSharp – A powerful image processing library by SixLabors. ImageSharp is split-licensed under the Apache License 2.0 and a commercial license. For this open-source project, it qualifies for usage under the Apache 2.0 license, as it meets the criteria for open-source software use.
- System.CommandLine – A command-line parser library from Microsoft, licensed under the MIT License.
cd src/FsImageToTic80.Tool
dotnet build -c Release
cd src/FsImageToTic80.Tool
# -i: Specifies the input image file
# -tk: Specifies the transparency key that transparent pixel will be mapped to
# -ot: Write image as LUA code
# -h: Use -h or --help to print the help
# File is written to
dotnet run -- -i ../../assets/twister.png -tk 5 -oo -ot lua
# Opens the output in Visual Studio code
code ../../assets/tic80-twister.lua