
This is a simple queries generator for consume odata apis (only for GET)

F#, Fable, OData, aspnetcore, fsharp
Install-Package Fun.OData.Query -Version 1.0.1



Build query string for OData.

With CE (fsharp computation expression)

This can provide better type safety, but maybe slower because it use reflection.
But you can also use plain text if you want to get better performance than DU.
You can check demos/ODataDemo.Server which contains how to setup OData + core MVC with fsharp + swagger support.

Let's see if you want to fetch below information:

type Part =
        Nr: int
        Actions: Action list
and Action = { Nr: int; Tid: int; AccountNrFromNavigation: AccountNrFromNavigation }
and AccountNrFromNavigation = { Nr: string; Caption: string }

You can just do it like:

    "api/v1/Parts?" + 
    odataQuery<Part> {
        take 2
        orderBy (fun x -> x.Nr)
        expandList (fun x -> x.Actions) (
            odata {
                take 3
                orderBy (fun x -> x.Tid)
                filterAnd {
                    gt (fun x -> x.Tid) 1
                    lt (fun x -> x.Tid) 10
                    custom (fun x -> x.Tid) (sprintf "%s eq 10")
                    // Option value is used for determine if a filter should be applied
                    eq (fun x -> x.Tid) (Some 1) // Tid eq 1
                    eq (fun x -> x.Tid) (Some null) // Tid eq null 
                    eq (fun x -> x.Tid) None // Will not put in the query string

Then it will send GET request with url:


Instead of use odataQuery you can use odata, because it will return you ODataQueryContext which you can call ToQuery to generate the final query string. But with this way, you can wrap it into a helper function:

type ODataResult<'T> =
        Count: int option
        Value: 'T list

type HttpClient with
    member http.Get<'T>(path, queryContext: ODataQueryContext<'T>) =
        http.GetStringAsync(path + "?" + queryContext.ToQuery()) // You may need error handling in production
        |> fromJson<ODataResult<'T>> // json deserialize

To use it, you just call:

http.Get<Part> (
    odata {
        take 2

Below you can see more demos:

odata<DemoDataBrief> {
    skip ((testFilter.Page - 1) * testFilter.PageSize)
    take testFilter.PageSize
    keyValue "etest1" "123" // your own query key value
    keyValue "etest2" "456"
    filterOr {
        contains (fun x -> x.Name) testFilter.SearchName
        filterAnd { // you can also nest filter
            gt (fun x -> x.Price) testFilter.MinPrice
            lt (fun x -> x.CreatedDate) (testFilter.FromCreatedDate |> (fun x -> x.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")))
            lt (fun x -> x.CreatedDate) (testFilter.ToCreatedDate |> (fun x -> x.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")))
        for i in 1..3 do // you can yield filters
            filterAnd<{| Address: string |}> {
                eq (fun x -> x.Address) (Some $"a{i}")
                eq (fun x -> x.Address) (Some $"b{i}")
odata<{| Id: int
         Name: string
         Test1: {| Id: Guid; Name: string; DemoData: DemoData |}
         Test2: {| Id: Guid; Name: string |} option
         Test3: {| Id: int |} list |}> {

By default it will auto expand record, record of array, record of list and record of option.
But you can also override its behavior:

odata<Person> {
    expandPoco (fun x -> x.Contact)
    expandList (fun x -> x.Addresses) (
        odata { // you can also nest
            filter ...

You can also disable auto expand for better performance, if you do not want any for plain object.

odata<Person> {

The odata<'T> { ... } will generate ODataQueryContext which you can call ToQuery() to generate the final string and combine with your logic.
Please check demos/ODataDemo.Wasm/Hooks.fs for an example.

With DU (fsharp discriminated union) list

This is old implementation but it works fine. Personally I'd prefer CE style because better type safety.

let query =
        SelectType typeof<DemoDataBrief>
        Skip ((filter.Page - 1) * filter.PageSize)
        Take filter.PageSize
        External "etest1=123"
        External "etest2=56"
        Filter (filter.SearchName |> (contains "Name") |> Option.defaultValue "")
        Filter (andQueries [
            match filter.MinPrice with
            | None -> ()
            | Some x -> gt "Price" x
            match filter.FromCreatedDate with
            | None -> ()
            | Some x -> lt "CreatedDate" (x.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))
            match filter.ToCreatedDate with
            | None -> ()
            | Some x -> lt "CreatedDate" (x.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))
    |> Query.generate

With Query.generateFor some type, you can get SelectType and ExpandEx automatically. It supports expand record, record of array, record of list and record of option.

                {| Id: int
                   Name: string
                   Test1: {| Id: Guid; Name: string; DemoData: DemoData |}
                   Test2: {| Id: Guid; Name: string |} option
                   Test3: {| Id: int |} []
                   Test4: {| Id: int |} list |}> []
// ?$expand=Test1($expand=DemoData($expand=Items($select=Id,Name,CreatedDate);$select=Id,Name,Description,Price,Items,CreatedDate,LastModifiedDate);$select=DemoData,Id,Name),Test2($select=Id,Name),Test3($select=Id),Test4($select=Id)&$select=Id,Name,Test1,Test2,Test3,Test4


Method Mean Error StdDev Median Gen 0 Gen 1 Allocated
AnonymousWithDU 177,451.1 ns 3,316.00 ns 6,146.42 ns 175,928.9 ns 10.0098 - 62 KB
AnonymousWithCE 113,811.4 ns 1,239.00 ns 1,158.97 ns 113,960.2 ns 5.1270 - 32 KB
CustomQueryWithDU 16,905.9 ns 335.33 ns 638.01 ns 16,650.8 ns 1.4648 - 9 KB
CustomQueryWithCE 11,405.1 ns 131.92 ns 123.40 ns 11,412.7 ns 0.7172 - 4 KB
FilterWithList 1,181.2 ns 23.32 ns 54.05 ns 1,160.7 ns 0.2956 - 2 KB
FilterWithReflectionCE 103,187.4 ns 1,537.92 ns 1,438.57 ns 102,927.2 ns 9.3994 0.1221 58 KB
FilterWithOptionList 1,188.1 ns 19.89 ns 18.60 ns 1,185.2 ns 0.3223 - 2 KB
FilterWithOptionPlainCE 960.9 ns 18.06 ns 35.66 ns 951.5 ns 0.3452 - 2 KB
OverrideWithDU 29,714.3 ns 575.33 ns 806.53 ns 29,414.6 ns 1.8921 - 12 KB
OverrideWithCE 20,597.7 ns 319.26 ns 298.64 ns 20,554.2 ns 0.9155 - 6 KB

Server side [Deprecated]

  1. Set OData service for core + giraffe
  2. Use it like:
     // For any sequence
     GET >=> routeCi  "/demo"    >=> OData.query (demoData.AsQueryable())
     GET >=> routeCif "/demo(%i)"   (OData.item  (fun id -> demoData.Where(fun x -> x.Id = id).AsQueryable()))
     // With entityframework core
     GET >=> routeCi  "/person"  >=> OData.fromService  (fun (db: DemoDbContext) -> db.Persons.AsQueryable())
     GET >=> routeCif "/person(%i)" (OData.fromServicei (fun (db: DemoDbContext) id -> db.Persons.Where(fun x -> x.Id = id).AsQueryable()))