
Parsa-Html is light weight and fast and free HTML parser. it is friendly and easy to use. it made to parse huge HTML file

html, htmlparser, htmlparse, parser, hugehtmlparse, hugehtmlparser
Install-Package HtmlParser_parsa-eng01 -Version 1.0.0


What's Parsa-HtmlParser

this is a .NET library to parse HTML documen. it created to parse big HTML document more than 50 mb. it created to be fast, simple and easy to use as well.


How to

there is HtmlReader to 'Read' a File and 'Parse' HTML document as string it will back a `HtmlDocument'.

there is an example

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Page Title</title>
<body class="main">

<h1 id='title'>This is a Heading</h1>
<p id="line1">This is a paragraph.</p>
<p id="line2">This is a paragraph too.</p>

public void Parse(){
    var doc = HtmlReader.Parse("the code above");
    //var doc = HtmlReader.Read("c:\\file.html");
    var element1 = doc[".main"];
    var element2 = doc["#title"];
    var element3 = doc["p"];
    var element4 = doc["div"]

    Assert.AreTrue(element1.Count == 1 && element1.TagName == "body");
    Assert.AreTrue(element1.TagName == "h1");
    Assert.AreTrue(element1.Count == 2);
    Assert.AreTrue(element1.Count == 0);

This example explain how to get elements by class, id or tag

Use Linq

 var p2 = doc["p"].First(node => node.Id == "line2");
 var paragraphs = doc["P"].Select(node => node.InnerText);

HtmlNode and HtmlContent

The HtmlNode is base, so html models extended from that. The HtmlContent is array of HtmlNode. if it has onty one then it will behaves like HtmlNode but it still is an array.

var paragraphs = doc["p"]; //it is a HtmlContent that has two nodes inside
var body = doc["body"];  //it is a HtmlContent with one node
var bodyNode = doc.Content.First(node => node.TagName == "body")  //it is a HtmlNode that has Content as HtmlContent 

Assert.AreEqual(body.Id, bodyNode.Id);
Assert.AreEqual(paragraphs.Id, null);

With HtmlContent you can use Linq But with HtmlNode you can not

var body = doc["body"];
var title = doc["title"].Select(node => node.InnerText).First(); //it will be "Page Title"
//doc is HtmlDocument and it extented from HtmlNode so you can not use doc.Select(...)
//but you can
var bodyText = body.Select(node => node.InnerText);
