C# Library to simplify interactions with the IBM Watson IoT Platform

IBM, iot, csharp, sdk
Install-Package IBMWIoTP -Version 0.2.5


C# Client Library - Introduction

This C# Client Library can be used to simplify interactions with the [IBM Watson IoT Platform] (https://internetofthings.ibmcloud.com). The documentation is divided into following sections:

  • The Device section contains information on how devices publish events and handle commands using the C# IBMWIoTP Client Library.
  • The Managed Device section contains information on how devices can connect to the Watson IoT Platform Device Management service using C# IBMWIoTP Client Library and perform device management operations like firmware update, location update, and diagnostics update.
  • The Gateway section contains information on how gateways publish events and handle commands for itself and for the attached devices using the C# IBMWIoTP Client Library.
  • The Gateway Management section contains information on how to connect the gateway as Managed Gateway to IBM Watson IoT Platform and manage the attached devices.
  • The Application section details how applications can use the C# IBMWIoTP Client Library to interact with devices.
  • The API section contains information on how applications can use the C# IBMWIoTP Client Library to interact with the organization in the Watson IoT Platform through REST APIs
  • The Client Certificate section contains information on how to connect devices/gateway with Client side Certificate based authentication.
  • The Information Management section contains information onhow applications can use the C# IBMWIoTP Client Library to interact with the organization in the Watson IoT Platform Information Management APIs

Supported Features

Feature Supported? Description
Device connectivity ✔ Connect your device(s) to Watson IoT Platform with ease using this library.
Gateway connectivity ✔ Connect your gateway(s) to Watson IoT Platform with ease using this library.
Application connectivity ✔ Connect your application(s) to Watson IoT Platform with ease using this library.
Watson IoT API ✔ Shows how applications can use this library to interact with the Watson IoT Platform through REST APIs.
Information Management API ✔ Shows how applications can use this library to configure and implement Information Management APIs in the Watson IoT Platform.
SSL/TLS ✔ By default, this library connects your devices, gateways and applications securely to Watson IoT Platform registered service.
Client side Certificate based authentication ✔ Client side Certificate based authentication
Device Management ✔ Connects your device/gateway as managed device/gateway to Watson IoT Platform.
Device Management Extension(DME) ✘ Provides support for custom device management actions.
Scalable Application ✔ Provides support for load balancing for applications.
Auto reconnect ✔ Enables device/gateway/application to automatically reconnect to Watson IoT Platform while they are in a disconnected state.
Websocket ✘ Enables device/gateway/application to connect to Watson IoT Platform using WebSockets.
Event/Command publish using MQTT ✔ Enables device/gateway/application to publish messages using MQTT.
Event/Command publish using HTTP ✘ Enables device/gateway/application to publish messages using HTTP.

NuGet Package

C# library is available in nuget

To install IBMWIoTP, run the following command in the Package Manager Console

  PM> Install-Package IBMWIoTP



You can find samples in each of the corresponding repositories as follows:

  • Device samples - Repository contains samples for connecting device to IBM Watson Internet of Things Platform .
  • Gateway Samples - Repository contains samples for connecting gateway to IBM Watson Internet of Things Platform .
  • DeviceManagement samples - Repository contains samples for connecting device as managed device to IBM Watson Internet of Things Platform .
  • GatewayManagement Samples - Repository contains samples for connecting gateway as managed device to IBM Watson Internet of Things Platform .
  • DeviceManagement Action Samples - Repository contains samples for DeviceManagement Action like reboot,rest,firmware download and update.
  • GatewayManagement Action Samples - Repository contains samples for GatewayManagement Action like reboot,rest,firmware download and update.
  • GatewayManagement Action For the connected device Samples - Repository contains samples for GatewayManagement Action like reboot,rest,firmware download and update for the managed device connected to the gateway.
  • Application samples - Repository contains samples for developing the application(s) in IBM Watson Internet of Things Platform in different languages.
  • Watson IoT Platform API V002 samples - Repository contains samples that interacts with IBM Watson IoT Platform using the platform API Version 2.
  • Client Certificate samples - Repository contains samples for connecting devices/gateway with Client side Certificate based authentication to IBM Watson IoT Platform.
  • Information Management samples - Repository contains samples for Information Management of device events in IBM Watson IoT Platform.


The library is shipped with Eclipse Public License and refer to the License file for more information about the licensing.