KSociety.Com is a full stack software consisting of:
- a service that reads or writes data to a plc
- a web application for the parameterization of the service
This system needs RabbitMQ as a message-oriented middleware.
This is the README file for KSociety.Com. It support .Net 6.0 and .Net 7.0
- Compatible S7 PLC (S7-200, S7-300, S7-400, S7-1200, S7-1500)
This system needs RabbitMQ to function properly.
- Use the K-Society.Com.exe to install the software.
- Start the server (KSociety.Com.Srv.Host.exe)
- Start the web application (KSociety.Com.Pre.Web.App.exe)
- Browse to the following URL: http://localhost:5002
- Go to settings: http://localhost:5002/Settings
- Click on migrate button.
- Now you can configure the other sections: Common/TagGroup, S7/Connection and S7/Tag
- Restart the server to apply the new configuration.
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The project is under Microsoft Reciprocal License (MS-RL)
List of technologies, frameworks and libraries used for implementation:
.NET 6 (platform). Note for Visual Studio users: VS 2022 is required.
Autofac (Inversion of Control Container)
protobuf-net (protobuf-net is a contract based serializer for .NET code)
RabbitMQ.Client (The RabbitMQ .NET client is an implementation of an AMQP 0-9-1 client library for C#)
Serilog (structured logging)