KSociety.SharpCubeProgrammer Home
KSociety.SharpCubeProgrammer is a wrapper for CubeProgrammer_API v2.18.0.
First unofficial and open source C# wrapper.
It makes use of several 3rd party tools:
- STM32 Cube Programmer You can find the source, licensing information and documentation here.
This is a C# wrapper for STM32 CubeProgrammer_API v2.18.0 (not fully tested). This package does not contain any C/C++ runtimes (MSVC), and is meant to run on Windows operating systems only (for now). Please make sure you have updated the firmware of your ST-LINK V2 / V3, you can do this using STM32CubeProgrammer. STM32 CubeProgrammer_API is a C library created by ST to manage microcontrollers, it allows to access memory for reading and writing and to manage option bytes. The ST-Link drivers is required, and can be downloaded from st.com and installed (STSW-LINK009). This has been tested on Windows 10 and Windows 11, you don't need to install STM32CubeProgrammer.
STM32CubeProgrammer_API C# wrapper, the first wrapper for C#. Any suggestions are welcome.
You can get KSociety.SharpCubeProgrammer by grabbing the latest NuGet package. You need to use PackageReference, otherwise some contents will not be copied to the output folder and consequently it will not work.
- GetStLinkList
- GetStLinkEnumerationList
- ConnectStLink
- Reset
- GetUsartList
- ConnectUsartBootloader
- SendByteUart
- GetDfuDeviceList
- ConnectDfuBootloader
- ConnectDfuBootloader2
- ConnectSpiBootloader
- ConnectCanBootloader
- ConnectI2CBootloader
- SetDisplayCallbacks
- SetVerbosityLevel
- CheckDeviceConnection
- GetDeviceGeneralInf
- ReadMemory
- WriteMemory
- WriteMemoryAutoFill
- WriteMemoryAndVerify
- EditSector
- DownloadFile
- Execute
- MassErase
- SectorErase
- ReadUnprotect
- TzenRegression (does not exist)
- GetTargetInterfaceType
- GetCancelPointer
- FileOpen
- Verify
- VerifyMemory
- SaveFileToFile
- SaveMemoryToFile
- Disconnect
- DeleteInterfaceList
- AutomaticMode
- GetStorageStructure
- SendOptionBytesCmd
- InitOptionBytesInterface
- FastRomInitOptionBytesInterface
- ObDisplay
- SetLoadersPath
- SetExternalLoaderPath
- GetExternalLoaders
- RemoveExternalLoader
- DeleteLoaders
- GetUID64
- FirmwareDelete
- FirmwareUpgrade
- StartWirelessStack
- UpdateAuthKey
- AuthKeyLock
- WriteUserKey
- AntiRollBack
- StartFus
- UnlockChip
- ProgramSsp
- GetHsmFirmwareID
- GetHsmCounter
- GetHsmState
- GetHsmVersion
- GetHsmType
- GetHsmLicense
- Visual Studio 2022 (17.12.1 or higher) with the following installed:
Workloads |
.NET desktop development |
Desktop development with C++ |
Individual components |
MSVC v143 - VS 2022 C++ x64/x86 |
Examples include the QuickStart project, is a very basic example.
- Creates a new instance of the CharpCubeProgrammer class:
var cubeProgrammerApi = new SharpCubeProgrammer.CubeProgrammerApi();
- Set up the logging system:
var displayCallBacks = new DisplayCallBacks
InitProgressBar = InitProgressBar,
LogMessage = ReceiveMessage,
LoadBar = ProgressBarUpdate
- Retrieves all ST-LINK connected probes:
var stLinkList = cubeProgrammerApi.GetStLinkEnumerationList();
- Connect:
if (stLinkList.Any())
var stLink = stLinkList.First();
stLink.ConnectionMode = DebugConnectionMode.UnderResetMode;
stLink.Shared = 0;
var connectionResult = cubeProgrammerApi.ConnectStLink(stLink);
Console.WriteLine("No ST-Link found!");
- Retrieve general info:
if (connectionResult.Equals(CubeProgrammerError.CubeprogrammerNoError))
var generalInfo = cubeProgrammerApi.GetDeviceGeneralInf();
if (generalInfo != null)
Console.WriteLine("INFO: \n" +
"Board: {0} \n" +
"Bootloader Version: {1} \n" +
"Cpu: {2} \n" +
"Description: {3} \n" +
"DeviceId: {4} \n" +
"FlashSize: {5} \n" +
"RevisionId: {6} \n" +
"Name: {7} \n" +
"Series: {8} \n" +
"Type: {9}",
- Send option bytes:
var sendOptionBytesCmd = cubeProgrammerApi.SendOptionBytesCmd("-ob RDP=170");
- Erase:
var massErase = cubeProgrammerApi.MassErase("");
- Flash:
var downloadFile = cubeProgrammerApi.DownloadFile(firmwarePath, "0x08000000", 1U, 1U);
- Run:
var execute = cubeProgrammerApi.Execute("0x08000000");
- Disconnect:
- Delete interface list:
The project is under Microsoft Reciprocal License (MS-RL)
List of technologies, frameworks and libraries used for implementation: