
Nuget package for Microsoft Telepathy SDK. Microsoft Telepathy is a SOA runtime framework works in a cloud native way. Please visit to read more.

hpc, soa, azure, microsoft, azure-batch, distributed-computing, high-performance-computing, microsoft-telepathy
Install-Package Microsoft.Telepathy.Session -Version


Microsoft Telepathy

Azure DevOps builds (branch) GitHub GitHub release (latest SemVer) Nuget

Microsoft Telepathy is a SOA runtime framework works in a cloud native way, enables running high-throughput and low-latency calculation workload in Azure. Evolving from the battle-tested SOA Runtime of Microsoft HPC Pack.

Get Started

Deploy a Cluster

Check Deploy a Telepathy Cluster Step by Step for detailed instruction.

SDK NuGet package

Add Microsoft.Telepathy.Session to your project using NuGet manager.

Try the Nightly Build

Deploy a Cluster

SDK NuGet package

To use Microsoft.Telepathy.Session nightly package, add following NuGet source.

Check Add the feed to your NuGet configuration for detailed instruction.


Developing Environment

  • Visual Studio 2019 of latter
  • Excel 2016 or latter if developing Excel plugin

Build from Source Code

git clone
cd Telepathy

Migrate From HPC Pack SOA

See Migrate From HPC Pack SOA to Microsoft Telepathy

Benchmark (use Azure Batch Backend)

Average result of 10 trials. Benchmark detail and how to benchmark your cluster.


Interactive Session

  • Message Send Throughput: 35394.15 messages/second
  • Broker Process Throughput: 15973.63 messages/second
  • End to End Throughput: 15652.66 messages/second

Durable Session

  • Message Send Throughput: 2998.94 messages/second
  • Broker Process Throughput: 1038.23 messages/second
  • End to End Throughput: 751.61 messages/second


Interactive Session

  • Warm Latency: 98.59431 millisecond

Durable Session

  • Warm Latency: 1434.801444 millisecond

CPU Efficiency

Interactive Session

  • CPU Efficiency: 99.603% (398.412% on 4-core compute nodes)

Durable Session

  • CPU Efficiency: 92.627% (370.663% on 4-core compute nodes)


See Documentation Index.


  • Cross platform support
  • Cross language support
  • Data service integration
  • IdentityServer integration


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