Simple NLog logging target for Microsoft TEAMS.
The Target uses the TEAMS Incoming webhook.
For more Information about webhhoks in Teams read:
The target has a built in layout for the Teams card so you don't have to design it by yourself.
Simply add the nuget dependency. NLog will do th rest (see: Configuration - NLog).
MS Teams
Create a incoming Webhook in a Teams channel.
Your Application
Configure the target in your nlog.config
The NLog type of the Target is: MsTeams
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
Url | true | string (layout) | Ms Teams incoming webhook URL |
ApplicationName | true | string (layout) | the name of your application |
Environment | true | string (layout) | the stage your application runs in (e.g. develop, staging, production ) |
Deprecated | |||
CardImpl | false | string | Fully qualified name of the custom messageCard implementation. If omitted, the internal default implementation will be used. |
CardAssembly | false | string | Name of the assembly which holds the CardImpl. Required if you use a cutom messageCard implementation. |
Sample Configuration
<target xsi:type="MsTeams"
Url="<your TEAMS incoming webhook url>"
ApplicationName="<your application name>"
Environment="<executing environment>" />
Default Teams Message Card
The package provides an interface for implementing Teams message cards (IMessageCard
If the Parameters CardImpl
and CardAssembly
ar omitted, the default (built in) IMessageCard
implementation will be used.
The screenshot shows the built in Teams message card.
The color schema of the upper separator line will change according to the log level.
The colors are:
Trace | Debug | Info | Warning | Error | Fatal |
White | Green | Blue | Yellow | Red | Black |
The exception section will only be visible, when an exception is logged.
Custom Teams Message Card
To use your own message card, implement the Interface IMessageCard
(provided by the Package) and set the Parameters CardImpl
and CardAssembly
in the NLog config.
For more information about the Teams message card formatting please read .
Test App
This solution includes a console App for testing.
Bevor you run it, you must add yout Teams webhook Url in the nlog.config inluded in the App (marked with: 'XXX PUT YOUR URL IN HERE XXX').
The demo app also inlcudes a custom IMessageCard
implementation (and NLog config), but its very similar to the default implementation. I've only changed the colors.
breaking change: removed parameter
- breaking change: NLog Layout parameter will be ignored
- Parameters (
) are now NLog layouts, which enables variable support -
new optional parameters:
for easier custom message Card implementation - added interface
for easier custom message Card implementation - Demo app updated to net5.0
- Demo app updated for easier adaption