
Azure components for Pip.Services in .NET

PipServices, V3, microservices, toolkit
Install-Package PipServices3.Azure -Version 3.7.0


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Azure specific components .NET

This module is a part of the Pip.Services polyglot microservices toolkit. The module contains components for working with the Microsoft Azure cloud service.

The module contains the following packages:

  • Auth - KeyVault credential provider
  • Build - Standard factories for designing Azure module components
  • Connect - Components for creating and configuring a connection to Azure
  • Config - KeyVault secure config reader
  • Count - AppInsights performance counter component
  • Lock - Components of working with locks in the Cloud Storage Table
  • Log - AppInsights logger components
  • Metrics - Components of working with CosmosDB SQL Metrics
  • Persistence - Components of working with data in CosmosDB
  • Queues - Azure Storage and Azure Service Bus message queues
  • Run - Components of the process container for the Azure environment

Quick links:


Install the dotnet package as

dotnet add package PipServices3.Azure


For development you shall install the following prerequisites:

  • Core .NET SDK 3.1+
  • Visual Studio Code or another IDE of your choice
  • Docker

Restore dependencies:

dotnet restore src/src.csproj

Compile the code:

dotnet build src/src.csproj

Run automated tests:

dotnet restore test/test.csproj
dotnet test test/test.csproj

Generate API documentation:


Before committing changes run dockerized build and test as:



The .NET version of Pip.Services is created and maintained by:

  • Sergey Seroukhov

Many thanks to contibutors, who put their time and talant into making this project better:

  • Andrew Harrington, Kyrio