
An alternative to returning null and throwing exceptions as indications of a value being present and errors occurring.

Install-Package SaferVariants -Version 2.0.0-alpha1



Boring explanation

An alternative to returning null and throwing exceptions as indications of a value being present and errors occurring.

The only purpose of this library is to (to the extent that it is possible) force checking if a value is present/ok before using it.

Currently, the way that that is achieved is by having an interface that can either be pattern matched against to get access to the value or by calling the methods that explicitly handle the case where the value is not present.

Inspired by the programming language Rust.


  1. Option.IsSome(out value), Result.IsOk(out value), Result.IsErr(out error)
  2. Pattern matching
  3. Returning/creating IOption/IResult values
  4. Using Map() and ValueOr()
  5. Using Then()
  6. Using HandleError() for more fluent handling of IResult

1. Option.IsSome(out value), Result.IsOk(out value), Result.IsErr(out error)


IOption<int> length = GetLength();
if (length.IsSome(out var value))
    Console.WriteLine($"The length was {value}");
    Console.WriteLine("Failed to get length");


IResult<int,string> length = GetLength();
if (length.IsOk(out var value))
    Console.WriteLine($"The length was {value}");
    Console.WriteLine("Failed to get length");


IResult<int,string> length = GetLength().EnsureValid();
if (length.IsOk(out var value))
    Console.WriteLine($"The length was {value}");
else if (length.IsErr(out var error))
    Console.WriteLine($"Failed to get length: {error}");

2. Pattern matching

Pattern matching an IOption<T>

Very straightforward:

IOption<int> length = GetLength();
if (length is Some<int> some)
    Console.WriteLine($"The length was {some.Value}");
    Console.WriteLine("Failed to get length");

Pattern matching an IResult<TValue,TError>

A little more involved, depending on usage:

switch with EnsureValid()

IResult<int,string> length = GetLength().EnsureValid();
switch (length)
    case Ok<int,string> ok:
        Console.WriteLine($"The length was {ok.Value}");
    case Err<int,string> err:
        Console.WriteLine($"Failed to get length: {err.Error}");
} // the default case can be left out because of the EnsureValid() call


IResult<int,string> length = GetLength();
switch (length)
    case Ok<int,string> ok:
        Console.WriteLine($"The length was {ok.Value}");
    case Err<int,string> err:
        Console.WriteLine($"Failed to get length: {err.Error}");
    // only happens if someone returns null instead of Ok/Err,
    // which.. yeah.. don't do that...
    // and for that reason, it's good to check for null in switch or if->else if
    // obviously not necessary in an if->else
        throw new NotImplementedException();

if -> else if

if (length is Ok<int,string> some)
    Console.WriteLine($"The length was {some.Value}");
else if (length is Err<int,string> err)
    Console.WriteLine($"Failed to get length: {err.Error}");
    // or do `length = GetLength().EnsureValid();` before the ifs,
    // at which point this whole else block can be removed
    throw Result.Invalid(); 

if -> else (consider using IOption instead if the error is never used)

// if->else
if (length is Ok<int,string> some)
    Console.WriteLine($"The length was {some.Value}");
    Console.WriteLine("Failed to get length");

3. Returning/creating IOption/IResult values

Returning/creating IOption

Using Option.None() or Option.Some()

IOption<int> GetLength(string s)
    if (s == null)
        return Option.None<int>(); // can't infer type on None, sorry
    return Option.Some(s.Length); // works on Some at least

Using Option.NoneIfNull()

IOption<string> ReplaceWorldWithBird(string s)
    // can infer type!
    return Option.NoneIfNull(s?.Replace("world", "bird"));

Returning/creating IResult

IResult<int,string> GetLength(string s)
    if (s == null)
        return Result.Err<int,string>($"{nameof(s)} was null"); // can't infer type on Err, sorry!
        // note: returning a string message as an error is not recommended
        //       in the case where you want to handle errors,
        //       it's preferable to at the very least return an enum
    return Result.Ok<int,string>(s.Length); // no type inference here either, please accept my apologies

4. Using Map() and ValueOr()

On an IOption

// you'd normally use `var` instead of typing out the whole type
// it's just written out here for clarity
IOption<string> str = GetString();
var length = str.Map(s =>
    // this is only called if `str` is `Some`

Console.WriteLine($"The length was {length.ValueOr(0)}");

On an IResult

enum EType

IResult<string,EType> str = GetString();
var length = str.Map(s =>
    // this is only called if `str` is `Ok`
    s.Length > 1
    ? Result.Ok<int,EType>(s.Length)
    : Result.Err<int,EType>(EType.StringTooShort));

Console.WriteLine($"The length was {length.ValueOr(0)}");
if (length is Err<int,EType> err)
    Console.WriteLine($"There was an error btw, {err.Error}");

5. Using Then()

Performs an action if the Option/Result was Some/Ok.

Useful when you don't have to handle the none/error case.

IOption<int> length = GetLength()
    .Then(len => Console.WriteLine($"Length: {len}"));

IResult<int,int> length2 = GetLength2()
    .Then(len => Console.WriteLine($"Length2: {len}"));

6. Using HandleError() for more fluent handling of IResult

HandleError() is mostly useful for error handling when method chaining:

// note: this is just an example, it is not production-ready!
IOption<string> maybeEncrypted = 
    CreateCryptographyService() // returns IResult<Crypto,InitError>
        .HandleError(err => Console.WriteLine($"Crypto init error: {err}"))
        .Map(crypto => 
            crypto.Encrypt("secret message") // returns IResult<string,EncryptError>
                  .HandleError(err => Console.WriteLine($"Encrypt error: {err}")));

if (maybeEncrypted.IsSome(out var encrypted))
    // use encrypted