SharpPulsar is an Apache Pulsar Client built on top, which can handle millions of Apache Pulsar Producers/Consumers/Reader/Transaction/Table (in theory).
What Is Akka.NET?
Akka.NET is a toolkit and runtime for building highly concurrent, distributed, and fault tolerant event-driven applications on .NET & Mono that is able to support up to 50 million msg/sec on a single machine, with small memory footprint and ~2.5 million actors(or Apache Pulsar Producers/Consumers) per GB of heap.
What Is Apache Pulsar?
Apache Pulsar is a cloud-native, distributed messaging and streaming platform that is able to support millions of topics while delivering high-throughput and low-latency performance.
Supported features
- Authentication (token, tls, OAuth2)
- Multi-Hosts Service URL
- Proxy
- SNI Routing
- Transactions
- Subscription(Durable, Non-durable)
- Cluster-level Auto Failover
- Exclusive Producer
- Partitioned Topics
- Batching
- Compression (LZ4, ZLIB, ZSTD, SNAPPY)
- Schema (Primitive, Avro, Json, KeyValue, AutoSchema)
- User-defined properties
- Key-based batcher
- Delayed/Scheduled messages
- Interceptors
- Message Router (RoundRobin, ConsistentHashing, Broadcast, Random)
- End-to-end Encryption
- Chunking
- Transactions
- User-defined properties
- HasMessageAvailable
- Subscription Type (Exclusive, Failover, Shared, Key_Shared)
- Subscription Mode (Durable, Non-durable)
- Interceptors
- Ack (Ack Individual, Ack Commulative, Batch-Index Ack)
- Ack Timeout
- Negative Ack
- Dead Letter Policy
- End-to-end Encryption
- SubscriptionInitialPosition
- Partitioned Topics
- Batching
- Compression (LZ4, ZLIB, ZSTD, SNAPPY)
- Schema (Primitive, Avro, Json, KeyValue, AutoSchema)
- Compacted Topics
- Multiple Topics
- Regex Consumer
- Broker Entry Metadata
- User-defined properties
- HasMessageAvailable
- Schema (Primitive, Avro, Json, KeyValue, AutoSchema)
- Seek (MessageID, Timestamp)
- Multiple Topics
- End-to-end Encryption
- Interceptors
- Compacted Topics
- Schema (All supported schema types)
- Register Listener
- Pulsar SQL
- Pulsar Admin REST API
- Function REST API
- EventSource(Reader/SQL)
OpenTelemetry (
Getting Started
Install the NuGet package SharpPulsar and follow the Tutorials.
//pulsar client settings builder
var clientConfig = new PulsarClientConfigBuilder()
//pulsar actor system
var pulsarSystem = PulsarSystem.GetInstance(clientConfig);
var pulsarClient = pulsarSystem.NewClient();
var consumer = pulsarClient.NewConsumer(new ConsumerConfigBuilder<sbyte[]>()
var producer = pulsarClient.NewProducer(new ProducerConfigBuilder<sbyte[]>()
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
var data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes($"tuts-{i}").ToSBytes();
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
var message = (Message<sbyte[]>)consumer.Receive();
var res = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(message.Data.ToBytes());
Console.WriteLine($"message '{res}' from topic: {message.TopicName}");
Logical Types
Avro Logical Types are supported. Message object MUST implement ISpecificRecord
AvroSchema<LogicalMessage> avroSchema = AvroSchema<LogicalMessage>.Of(ISchemaDefinition<LogicalMessage>.Builder().WithPojo(typeof(LogicalMessage)).WithJSR310ConversionEnabled(true).Build());
public class LogicalMessage : ISpecificRecord
public DateTime CreatedTime { get; set; }
public DateTime StampMicros { get; set; }
public DateTime StampMillis { get; set; }
public TimeSpan TimeMicros { get; set; }
public TimeSpan TimeMillis { get; set; }
public AvroDecimal Size { get; set; }
public string DayOfWeek { get; set; }
public Avro.Schema Schema { get; set; }
public object Get(int fieldPos)
switch (fieldPos)
case 0: return CreatedTime;
case 1: return StampMicros;
case 2: return StampMillis;
case 3: return TimeMicros;
case 4: return TimeMillis;
case 5: return Size;
case 6: return DayOfWeek;
default: throw new AvroRuntimeException("Bad index " + fieldPos + " in Get()");
public void Put(int fieldPos, object fieldValue)
switch (fieldPos)
case 0: CreatedTime = (DateTime)fieldValue; break;
case 1: StampMicros = (DateTime)fieldValue; break;
case 2: StampMillis = (DateTime)fieldValue; break;
case 3: TimeMicros = (TimeSpan)fieldValue; break;
case 4: TimeMillis = (TimeSpan)fieldValue; break;
case 5: Size = (AvroDecimal)fieldValue; break;
case 6: DayOfWeek = (String)fieldValue; break;
default: throw new AvroRuntimeException("Bad index " + fieldPos + " in Put()");
KeyValue Schema ALERT!!!!
Because I have become lazy and a lover of "peace of mind":
- For schema type of KEYVALUESCHEMA:
producer.NewMessage().Value<TK, TV>(data).Send();
producer.Send<TK, TV>(data);
represents the key and value types of the KEYVALUESCHEMA
var topic = $"persistent://public/default/tableview-{DateTime.Now.Ticks}";
var count = 20;
var keys = await PublishMessages(topic, count, false);
var tv = await _client.NewTableViewBuilder(ISchema<string>.Bytes)
Console.WriteLine($"start tv size: {tv.Size()}");
tv.ForEachAndListen((k, v) => Console.WriteLine($"{k} -> {Encoding.UTF8.GetString(v)}"));
await Task.Delay(5000);
Console.WriteLine($"Current tv size: {tv.Size()}");
tv.ForEachAndListen((k, v) => Console.WriteLine($"checkpoint {k} -> {Encoding.UTF8.GetString(v)}"));
var exportedItems = new List<Activity>();
using var tracerProvider = Sdk.CreateTracerProviderBuilder()
.AddSource("producer", "consumer")
var producerBuilder = new ProducerConfigBuilder<byte[]>()
.Intercept(new ProducerOTelInterceptor<byte[]>("producer", _client.Log))
var consumerBuilder = new ConsumerConfigBuilder<byte[]>()
.Intercept(new ConsumerOTelInterceptor<byte[]>("consumer", _client.Log))
Cluster-level Auto Failover
var config = new PulsarClientConfigBuilder();
var builder = AutoClusterFailover.Builder().Primary(serviceUrl)
.Secondary(new List<string> { secondary })
config.ServiceUrlProvider(new AutoClusterFailover((AutoClusterFailoverBuilder)builder));
[Experimental]Running SharpPulsar Tests in docker container (the issue I have faced is how to create container from within a container)
You can run SharpPulsar
tests in docker container. A Dockerfile
and docker-compose
file is provided at the root folder to help you run these tests in a docker container.
version: "2.4"
image: sharp-pulsar-test
context: .
cpu_count: 1
mem_limit: 1g
run_count: 2
# to filter tests, uncomment
# test_filter: "--filter FullyQualifiedName=SharpPulsar.Test.MessageChunkingTest"
test_file: Tests/SharpPulsar.Test/SharpPulsar.Test.csproj
ENV test_file="Tests/SharpPulsar.Test/SharpPulsar.Test.csproj"
ENV test_filter=""
ENV run_count=2
RUN mkdir sharppulsar
COPY . ./sharppulsar
RUN ls
WORKDIR /sharppulsar
CMD ["/bin/bash", "-c", "x=1; c=0; while [ $x -le 1 ] && [ $c -le ${run_count} ]; do dotnet test ${test_file} ${test_filter} --framework net6.0 --logger trx; c=$(( $c + 1 )); if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then x=1; else x=0; fi; done"]
How to:
into the root directory and execute docker-compose up
is the number of times you want the test repeated.
is used when you need to test a specific test instead of running all the tests in the test suite.
This project is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.