
The System.Device.Gpio package supports general-purpose I/O (GPIO) pins, PWM, I2C, SPI and related interfaces for interacting with low level hardware pins to control hardware sensors, displays and input devices on single-board-computers; Raspberry Pi, BeagleBoard, HummingBoard, ODROID, and other single-board-computers that are supported by Linux and Windows 10 IoT Core OS can be used with .NET Core and System.Device.Gpio. On Windows 10 IoT Core OS, the library wraps the Windows.Devices.Gpio.dll assembly. On Linux, the library supports three driver modes: libgpiod for fast full-featured GPIO access on all Linux distros since version 4.8 of the Linux kernel; slower and limited-functionality GPIO access via the deprecated Sysfs interface (/sys/class/gpio) when running on older Linux distro versions with a Linux kernel older than version 4.8; and lastly board-specific Linux drivers that access GPIO addresses in /dev/mem for fasted performance at the trade-off of being able to run on very specific versions of single-board-computers. In the future, the board-specific Linux drivers may be removed in favor of only supporting libgpiod and sysfs Linux interfaces. In addition to System.Device.Gpio, the optional Iot.Device.Bindings NuGet package contains device bindings for many sensors, displays, and input devices that can be used with System.Device.Gpio.

.NET, BCM2835, Core, GPIO, I2C, IoT, PWM, Pins, RPi, SPI
Install-Package System.Device.Gpio -Version 1.4.0-prerelease.21160.2


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.NET IoT Libraries

.NET can be used to build applications for IoT devices and scenarios. IoT applications typically interact with sensors, displays and input devices that require the use of GPIO pins, serial ports or similar hardware.


This is the GitHub repo for the libraries. You might want to start with our official documentation.

This repository contains the System.Device.Gpio library and implementations for various boards like Raspberry Pi and Hummingboard.

The repository also contains Iot.Device.Bindings, a growing set of community-maintained device bindings for IoT components.


This repository is still in experimental stage and all APIs are subject to changes.

Hardware requirements

While most of the bindings and examples in this project require and are designed to support specific hardware (such as LCD displays, temperature sensors, single-board computers, microcontrollers, etc.), the library itself tries to be as hardware-independent as possible. Some bindings are even written to showcase the use of IOT interfaces with hardware that is already present in normal desktop computers (such as keyboards or CPU temperature sensors). So to get started, you do not need expensive hardware. Or you can start out with cheap stuff, such as an Arduino Uno.

.NET Versions

Both libraries in this repository are cross-targeting .NET Standard 2.0, .NET Core 3.1, and .NET 6.0. They can be used from any project targeting .NET Core 2.0 or higher, and also from .NET Framework or mono. If you are looking at a Micro Controller Unit (MCU) support, check .NET nanoFramework.

The sample projects target the latest stable .NET Version. This applies to the sample projects with each device as well as the example projects on the /samples directory.

How to Install

From Visual Studio, you can just add a nuget by searching for System.Device.Gpio and Iot.Device.Bindings.

If you need, you can also install the latest daily pre-release build of the .NET System.Device.Gpio and Iot.Device.Bindings NuGet packages from the Azure artifacts feed.


nuget install System.Device.Gpio -PreRelease -Source
nuget install Iot.Device.Bindings -PreRelease -Source

Official Build Status

Build Status


dotnet add package System.Device.Gpio --source
dotnet add package Iot.Device.Bindings --source


For information on how to build this repository and to add new device bindings, please head out to Contributing.

Please contribute. We are primarily interested in the following:

  • Improving quality and capability of the drivers for supported boards.
  • Implementations for additional boards.
  • .NET device bindings for a wide variety of sensors, chips, displays and other components.
  • Request a device binding or protocol that you need for your project (file an issue).
  • Links to blog posts or tweets that showcase .NET Core being used for great IoT scenarios (file an issue).

Getting Started

After installing, please see the following areas to learn more:

All bindings (src/devices) contains a samples folder where you will find examples on how to use each of the devices, sensor, displays and other components.

Important: Please make sure you are using tag that correspond to your package version to browse and reuse the samples' code.

select branch

Once you have selected the right branch, you can browse the repository. The main branch contains code that is always the latest and may not been yet released to a package. So if you are using the 1.2 package, please select 1.2 tag before browsing the source code.



This project has adopted the code of conduct defined by the Contributor Covenant to clarify expected behavior in our community. For more information, see the .NET Foundation Code of Conduct.


.NET (including the iot repo) is licensed under the MIT license.