
Generator of rss feed xml file

RSS, Feed, Channel, News, Xml, Atom, c-sharp, net-standard, news-feed, nuget, rss-feed-xml
Install-Package TAlex.RssFeedGenerator -Version 2.0.0



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Generator of RSS feed xml file.

Example of usage

Here is example of typical using of library:

Rss rss = new Rss();
rss.Channel.Categories = new List<Category>
    new Category { Domain = "http://www.some-domain.com", Name = "Category1" },
    new Category { Domain = "http://www.some-domain2.com", Name = "Category2" }
rss.Channel.Cloud = new Cloud { Domain = "rpc.sys.com", Path = "/RPC2", Port = 80, Protocol = "xml-rpc", RegisterProcedure = "myCloud.rssPleaseNotify" };
rss.Channel.Copyright = "Copyright 2013, T-Alex Software";
rss.Channel.Description = "Some description";
rss.Channel.Docs = "http://some-site.com/news/rss/";
rss.Channel.Generator = "Some program";
rss.Channel.Image = new Image { Description = "Some description", Link = "http://www.image-url.com", Title = "Image Title", Url = "http://www.image-url.com/image.png" };
rss.Channel.Language = new CultureInfo("en-us").ToString();
rss.Channel.LastBuildDate = new DateTime(2013, 05, 11);
rss.Channel.Link = "http://www.some-site.com";
rss.Channel.ManagingEditor = "some@email.com";
rss.Channel.PublicationDate = new DateTime(2013, 04, 11);
rss.Channel.SkipDays = new List<DayOfWeek> { DayOfWeek.Monday, DayOfWeek.Sunday };
rss.Channel.SkipHours = new List<int> { 3, 5, 18 };
rss.Channel.TextInput = new TextInput { Description = "Some desc", Name = "Input", Title = "Button", Link = "http://some-link.com" };
rss.Channel.Title = "Rss title";
rss.Channel.TTL = 30;
rss.Channel.WebMaster = "webmaster@mail.com";

rss.Channel.Items.Add(new Item { PublicationDate = new DateTime(1990, 05, 24), Author = "Author name", Comments = "http://www.some-site.com/comments", Title = "Item title", Description = "Some desc", Guid = new Models.Guid("5"), Link = "http://www.some-url/item.html", Enclosure = new Enclosure { Url = "http://www.some-url/image.png", Length = 846, Type = "images/png" }, Source = new Source { Url = "http://www.source.com", Name = "Source name" }, Categories = new List<Category> { new Category { Domain = "http://some-url.com/category1", Name = "Category1" }, new Category { Domain = "http://some-url.com/category2", Name = "Category2" } } });
rss.Channel.Items.Add(new Item { PublicationDate = new DateTime(1990, 04, 24), Author = "Author name2", Comments = "http://www.some-site.com/comments2", Title = "Item title2", Description = "Some desc2", Guid = new Models.Guid("7") { IsPermaLink = false }, Link = "http://www.some-url/item2.html", Enclosure = new Enclosure { Url = "http://www.some-url/image2.jpg", Length = 47762, Type = "images/jpg" }, Source = new Source { Url = "http://www.source2.com", Name = "Source name 2" }, Categories = new List<Category> { new Category { Domain = "http://some-url.com/category3", Name = "Category3" }, new Category { Domain = "http://some-url.com/category4", Name = "Category4" } } });

MemoryStream output = new MemoryStream();

RssFeedGenerator.Generate(rss, output);


<?xml version=""1.0""?>
<rss xmlns:xsi=""http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"" xmlns:xsd=""http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"" version=""2.0"">
    <title>Rss title</title>
    <description>Some description</description>
    <copyright>Copyright 2013, T-Alex Software</copyright>
    <pubDate>Thu, 11 Apr 2013 00:00:00 +0300</pubDate>
    <lastBuildDate>Sat, 11 May 2013 00:00:00 +0300</lastBuildDate>
    <category domain=""http://www.some-domain.com"">Category1</category>
    <category domain=""http://www.some-domain2.com"">Category2</category>
    <generator>Some program</generator>
    <cloud domain=""rpc.sys.com"" port=""80"" path=""/RPC2"" registerProcedure=""myCloud.rssPleaseNotify"" protocol=""xml-rpc"" />
      <title>Image Title</title>
      <description>Some description</description>
      <description>Some desc</description>
      <title>Item title</title>
      <description>Some desc</description>
      <author>Author name</author>
      <category domain=""http://some-url.com/category1"">Category1</category>
      <category domain=""http://some-url.com/category2"">Category2</category>
      <enclosure url=""http://www.some-url/image.png"" length=""846"" type=""images/png"" />
      <pubDate>Thu, 24 May 1990 00:00:00 +0300</pubDate>
      <source url=""http://www.source.com"">Source name</source>
      <title>Item title2</title>
      <description>Some desc2</description>
      <author>Author name2</author>
      <category domain=""http://some-url.com/category3"">Category3</category>
      <category domain=""http://some-url.com/category4"">Category4</category>
      <enclosure url=""http://www.some-url/image2.jpg"" length=""47762"" type=""images/jpg"" />
      <guid isPermaLink=""false"">7</guid>
      <pubDate>Tue, 24 Apr 1990 00:00:00 +0300</pubDate>
      <source url=""http://www.source2.com"">Source name 2</source>

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TAlex.RssFeedGenerator is under the MIT license.