
Simple Tool for setting / modifying version tags in *.sln or *.csproj files.

Task, TaskIt, dotnet, tool, cli, csproj, version, set, modify, increment
Install-Package TaskIt.Dotnet.Versions -Version 1.2.2



Simple dotnet tool for setting / modifying version tags in .csproj files. This tool overwrites / modifies the following tags in your .csproj files (if present):

  • Version
  • AssemblyVersion
  • FileVersion

This tool supports semantic versioning for the Version Tag. VersionPrefix and VersionSuffix tags will not be processed. Only files containing at least one of the tags will be modified.


Like all dotnet tools this tool can be used on a project / solution level (simply add the nuget dependency) or be installed as a global tool. Simply use the following commmand:
dotnet tool install --global TaskIt.Dotnet.Versions


Simply call:
dotnet versions <operation> <parameters>

Supported operations


set will overwrite the version tags in the .csproj file(s).

Parameter Required Description
yes string - The new Version to set.
The version string must be semver 2.0 compliant.
In extension of the specification you can use wildcards (*) to spare some digits in the version string. Wildcards apply only to the major, minor and patch versions and will not be overwritten.
For AssemblyVersion and FileVersion tags, only the major, minorand patch versions will be overwritten

See the examples section for more information.


mod will increment / modify the versions tags in the .csproj files.

Parameter Required Description
yes string - The pattern in whith the Version (major.minor.patch) will be modified
You can use wildcards (*) to spare some digits in the version string.
Any digit specified will be added to the correspondending major, minor or patch version.
A value of 0 will be set as the correspondending major, minor or patch version.
The same applies to AssemblyVersion and FileVersion tags.
no string - regular expression for finding the semantic part of the version which should be modified (don't forget the capture group)
no int - summand which will be added to the captured number

See the examples section for more information.

Common Paramters

Parameter Required Description
no path (relative or absolute) to your solution / project folder.
This tool works allways recurvise.
If omitted, the current directory will be used.
no true / false (default = false)
If set, a backup of the processed .csproj files will be created.
Filename: yourproject.csproj.backup



call original version modified version
dotnet versions set -v 1.1.0 <Version>1.1.0-RC5+Build33</Version>
dotnet versions set -v 1.1.1-RC1+Build1 <Version>1.1.0</Version>
dotnet versions set -v *.2.0 <Version>3.1.1-RC5</Version>


call original version modified version
dotnet versions mod -v 1.1.0 <Version>1.0.1-RC5+Build33</Version> <Version>2.1.0-RC5+Build33</Version>
dotnet versions mod -v *.2.0 -p beta(\d+) -m 1 <Version>5.1.1-RC12-beta1+build47</Version> <Version>5.3.0-RC12-beta2+build47</Version>
dotnet versions mod -v *.2.0 <Version>2.1.1-RC5</Version>